
People Share The Lies That Society Needs To Stop Believing

Not everyone is great at telling when people are lying or telling the truth. That said, sometimes lies have been told so many times there’s no excuse for buying them any longer.

These 17 definitely fall into that category, according to these folks on Reddit.

17. Can confirm.

You no longer get zits when you get older

God I hate people born with smooth skin giving me this s*%t advice like “wash your face” “clean your sheets” “it’ll get better with age”

My face at any given time is cleaner than yours has ever been, my sheets don’t stay on the bed more than a few days, and my pillow daily, and I’m not a kid anymore. Plus I eat near no sugar and never touch my face outside the shower.

I still get acne. arggghhh

16. Actions speak louder than words.

Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line.

15. Put that baby back.

That mama birds won’t take their babies back after humans touch them. Put that baby back

Edit: I didn’t expect that to take off, lol.

But, yes, there are many types of birds that will end up on the floor either way, but you might end up saving one bird that gets to stay. 😇

14. Maybe some day.

“Number 14 will SHOCK you!”

Gets me every d**n time. When will I learn?

13. People still believe that?

That MLMs are a good source of income.

12. The whole belief.

The whole belief of small animals like reptiles, fish and rodents have no intelligence and function on instincts alone.

This belief is very harmful in the pet trade due to misinformation including the idea that they don’t benefit from any enrichment/stimuli and do best in a tiny empty box given the bare minimum or borderline neglectful care.

These animals are far smarter than people realise. They can recognise faces, can be trained, capable of problem solving and so much more.

11. Until you’re blue in the face.

Getting a raise that puts you into the next tax bracket does not mean all your income is taxed at the higher rate, only the small piece over the threshold.

10. My frustration is growing.

Tear here to open.

See also: “resealable”

See also: flushable

9. You know you’re lying.

“It’ll be easier if I get gas in the morning on the way to work”. Lies.

8. It’s just not possible.

That everyone gets a happy ending.

7. Maybe it’s not always a lie.

“We value you as an employee”

6. No guarantees.

Also that life is fair.

No amount of being nice, being good/humane, and following the rules, etc, will guarantee that life will repay you in kind.

5. Very good advice.

For my fellow people-pleasing doormats:

Stop believing that other people are fragile and can’t handle you being truthful or being yourself

Stop believing that you’re a bad person for trying to get your needs met

Stop believing that if you do everything “right” and never speak up or get out of line, that you’ll have a problem free life and everyone will love you

This advice is mostly relevant to the people who chronically neglect their own needs and build resentment because of it. Balance is key.

4. Happens all the time.

You can do absolutely everything right and still lose.

3. The true miracle.

That Marilyn Manson had his bottom ribs removed so he could suck his own d**k.

The true miracle was that teenagers around the world were able to spread that rumour without the internet or cell phones.

2. Excellent analogy.

We use only 10% of our brain.

Like we only use 33% of each traffic light.

1. Don’t believe it.

You do not have to wait 24 hours to report someone as missing.

I could get behind this sentiment when it comes to these untruths.

And honestly, we could add a whole bunch more to the list.

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