
People Share Their Thoughts On Why Daylight Savings Time Absolutely Sucks

I don’t remember this being as much of a topic of conversation twenty years ago, but recently, people have really been up in arms about the whole “gaining or losing an hour” a couple of times a year.

Sure, there’s an adjustment, but is it really that big of a deal?

These 17 people are going to drop their opinions below!

17. Nobody knows, ok?

I warned mine that the clocks were changing.

I just had to look them straight in the eye and say I don’t really know, it doesn’t make any sense anymore and it makes me really angry so I don’t think about much. I just don’t know! It doesn’t make sense!!!!

Imagine my surprise when my mini rage at “the man” was just met with a serious express and an OK.

Probably going to be a deep clock/time zone/time change interest in our future.

16. The cats will not be fooled.

This is my first daylight savings with a cat. It took me 30 minutes to figure out why he was so pissed lmao.

15. We’re all tired.

Tired, I feel tired.

Why the hell do they make it change at like 2 am? I went to bed at 12 thinking I’d get around 7 hours of sleep or so cause I forgot about the goddamn time change.

And nope, I woke up dead inside after 6 hours cause they stole an hour from me.

14. They seem to be getting along just fine.

I mean, Hawaii and Arizona haven’t exploded yet… I’d be happy to give it a try.

13. They change overnight.

I use to work with elementary kids with autism and some other disabilities. I would get a lot of kids in my classroom who had come from day treatment or otherwise had major behaviors.

I always knew to be wary of progress made before the fall daylight savings change. Kid could literally change overnight.

12. I’m not sure that’s how compromise works.

Let’s really shake up and shift the entire world clock 30 minutes to do half of DST permanently to compromise. The light issues are now half of what they were. Right??

Now watch the chaos ensue.

11. Everyone moves on.

I feel like it only outrages people twice a year. Every November/March, we hear yammerings about “legislation,” then nothing.

10. The bottom line is…

I prefer standard time. I’m not a morning person and have insomnia, so DST screws with me. Overall, I just sleep so much better during Standard time. I also wake up “earlier” during Standard time.

I usually get up at 7:15 during standard time and 7:45 during DST. So the 30 minute compromise would be fantastic!

I’m a fan of not changing times at all though.

9. Not a bad argument.

Imagine if people weren’t either outraged or glad! And we just got to live our lives in a steady stream of unchanged time, so that we don’t have to complain about the time change ever again?

That’s my argument for getting rid of it.

8. Just pick one and stick with it.

I don’t care if we stay with DST or not. I just want to stop the time changes.

7. Simple as that.

Should be scrapped, outdated bulls*%t.

6. They can sense it.

I hate the time change. I am an RN specializing in dementia care.

Our patients will have behavior issues anywhere from a few days to a month because they do better on a regimented schedule.

This one hour change affects wake up time, med times, meal times, activity times, bedtimes. Family members will be bring them in for evaluation on medications and other ideas because of change in behavior.

I always try to give a heads up this might happen but a lot don’t believe me even though we go through this every six months, but to care for someone with dementia can be exhausting and then to have a schedule disruption will accelerate the behaviors.

Hospitals will get a lot more ER visits from this population also because they have physicians that do not have the advanced knowledge needed for dementia care. If you know anyone that is a caretaker for a dementia loved one this is the time to send a plate of cookies or a small little gift, especially from the family member that lives out of state and doesn’t have to do anything. I will tell you acknowledging the caregiver during time change would be a super nice thing to do.

5. No one wants to live in the dark.

It should just always be daylight savings time, I hate when the sun goes down by 5pm.

4. Kids are a whole other ball game.

Yep, I remember this, and telling my mom, “but it’s still light out” and not wanting to go to bed because I still thought there way day left and it was still early

3. There it comes again.

Son of a b*%ch was that last night? I hate it. Fuuuuuuu. I knew it felt “off” this morning.

If I remember correctly, when we lose an hour, we will also see an increase in heart attacks, car crashes, accidents, etc, from the lost sleep

2. Apparently it’s deadly.

Its also clinically shown to actually kill people. One study showed a 24% increase in heart attacks and strokes on the Monday following the time change.

It also causes cognitive issues and even changes in appetite and cravings. In other words, it stresses everyone out for basically no discernible benefit to anyone.

1. Leave the light, please.

I wish we’d just stop it where it is now, sun stays out longer, we don’t need to go back to sunset at 4:30 PM when the time changes backwards.

Personally, I enjoy the extra light when we get it in the spring.

I don’t know about you, but I’m already ready.

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