
Is She Wrong for Kicking Her Mother-In-Law Out After She Tried to Change Her Baby’s Name? People Responded.

AITAMILBabyName Is She Wrong for Kicking Her Mother In Law Out After She Tried to Change Her Baby’s Name? People Responded.

Here’s another story for you to enjoy about pushy in-laws who just don’t know when to quit.

And, as usual, it comes to us from Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole?” page.

So was this woman wrong for giving her mother-in-law the boot?

Get all the details below and see what you think.

AITA for kicking my MIL out of the room for trying to change the baby’s name?

“I(29F) gave birth to my son last week. My husband(32M) and I agreed to name son after my father. My father passed away when I was 14 and we were very close.

His middle name is named after husband’s grandfather. My MIL is very opinionated about everything. She has been giving us her opinion on everything for our son.

The day I was due, I only wanted husband there. He drove me to the hospital and MIL walks into the room and starts babbling on about the baby’s name, feeding schedules, etc. I kept it together as best as I could.

After son was born, MIL was trying to talk husband into convincing me to change his name. She asked the nurses if she could legally change his name. She even went as far as to accuse me of controlling husband into his name.

I yelled at her to get out of the room and we will not be changing the name. She left and has been telling family members a different story. My husband has been sticking up for me and told her that nothing will be changed.

If she continues, we will be cutting her off from seeing her grandson. Now, most of her side of the family are calling me names and demanding I apologize to MIL. She has texted me a few times calling me an AH.

AITA for kicking her out?”

Wow…check out what people had to say on Reddit.

This person said she’s NTA and offered up some advice about what she should say to her MIL.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another Reddit user said she’s NTA and that they’re suspicious of the husband.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this individual said the MIL’s behavior is awful but they don’t think the husband did anything wrong.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Yeah… if you’re an MIL… don’t do this.

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