Hey, the kid needed his Mickey D’s.
What else can you say, right?
Apparently, A LOT, because people were not happy with this dad for leaving a dinner to get his son McDonald’s.
Was he wrong?
Check out his story and see what you think.
AITA for leaving dinner to get my son McDonalds, even though food was served?
“A friend of my wife’s invited my family – my wife (29F), our son (5M), and I (26M) – over for dinner with him (30M) and his daughter (5F).
As long as we’ve known him, this friend has kept to a very strict diet, which has almost always led to us eating over at his place, but he is an excellent cook so I’ve never minded. We have not, however, seen him since both of our children were infants.
For dinner, we were served salmon with quinoa and arugula. My son is very mild for a 5-year-old – he throws tantrums very rarely and is the opposite of a picky eater, but I could tell from how he was acting that he was not vibing with this meal. He was picking at his plate, shuffling food, and while he did try the salmon, he didn’t seem to like it. I asked him if he was happy with his dinner and he said no, he wasn’t.
I basically said, “Haha, kids, right?” and asked if there was anything else for my son to eat. My wife’s friend said that his daughter just eats whatever he makes, so he doesn’t keep “kid food” around the house.
My wife said it was fine, our son would be fine. While he is a mild kid, he definitely gets hangry and this was the beginning of our night, so we anticipated being there for an additional hour or two. I said that our son needed to eat so he’d have energy to play and apologized, saying I’d be gone for just a few minutes, picking something up for our kid. My wife’s friend seemed irked, but said he’d try and keep my plate warm.
I was gone for about 30 minutes, came back with a Happy Meal – ordered extra fries in case his daughter wanted any, which she was not allowed to have. By the time I was back, dinner was winding down. My son ate his meal, we had dessert, and he went off to play with his friend.
It was definitely a hiccup in the night, but things went fine. We had a good time, but my wife was definitely cold with me. When we got home (3 hours after dinner), she told me that I was an a** at dinner for no reason.
I pointed out that if I hadn’t gotten our son dinner, he would’ve been a monster the entire way home, to which she replied that we would’ve left earlier. I said I was just looking to solve the problem as it happened and that if her friend had been more accommodating, we wouldn’t have been in the situation in the first place.
She got offended on his behalf and we decided to just go to bed because we clearly were not getting anywhere. It’s been two days since, things are still stilted between us, and I’m not sure where I went wrong.
AITA for leaving dinner to get my son food, even though dinner was served?”
Here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.
One person said he’s an a**hole and this was really rude.
Photo Credit: Reddit
Another individual said that he overreacted and agreed that this was rude.
Photo Credit: Reddit
And this Reddit user said that everyone sucks in this story.
Photo Credit: Reddit
My opinion? I’m lovin’ it! 😉