I don’t want to sway anyone’s opinion, but this would probably get me pretty fired up, too.
Someone eating ALL my food ALL the time?
Yeah…not cool!
So did this guy go too far for yelling at his girlfriend?
Take a look at his story and see what you think.
AITA for yelling at my GF to stop eating everything?
“My (28m) gf (26f) got laid off about 6 months ago. She has been unemployed ever since. This means money is tight. I am covering all of our rent, utilities, groceries, etc. Everything except for her car payment and gas money.
My problem is that my gf keeps eating all of our food. Like, all of it. We always run out of food money before my paycheck comes in. She’ll eat everything she wants, and leave me with plain crackers or lettuce. I mean, everything.
Even stuff I’ve specifically labelled or said I want. The cupboards will be bare and I’ll have to skip meals three days before my next paycheck because she’s eaten everything. She’s probably gained nearly thirty pounds since she was let go.
I came home from work for lunch the other day and brought each of us a Subway sandwich. I only ate half of mine, so I popped it in the fridge and told her I’d just have it for dinner. When I got off work and went to get it, she’d already eaten it.
It really got out of hand when I bought some cupcakes to give to my sister (17f) for her birthday, and some pomegranate juice that I really love but can’t often have because it’s a little bit expensive. I put them in the fridge, told her not to touch them, and both were gone. There was only one cupcake left out of a box of four full-sized ones and my juice was all gone.
I lost it. I screamed at her to stop f**king eating everything I buy. We’ve had this conversation before or tried to in a polite way, but she shuts me down and denies it. She says she’s hungry, and she’s stressed from being unemployed, and she can’t help it. I yelled at her and told her it was disgusting that I can’t leave food in my own home. She started crying and telling me I’m “fat shaming her”.
And here’s what Reddit users had to say about this.
One person said he’s NTA and that he might need to lock his food away.
Another individual said it sounds like she needs help.
And this Reddit user said she should take some kind of job just to help out.
Sounds like this GF need therapy. Stat.