
This Person Got a Dog Even Though It Means Their Family Can No Longer Stay at Their House. Are They Wrong?

AITAGettingADog This Person Got a Dog Even Though It Means Their Family Can No Longer Stay at Their House. Are They Wrong?

The dog’s in and you’re out!

Uh oh…that doesn’t sound good, does it?

It sure doesn’t!

But this person must have had their reasons for doing this, right?

Check out what they had to say below so you can get all the details.

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AITA for getting a dog even though it means my family cannot stay at my house?

“My younger brother is very allergic to dogs. I love them. I have wanted one all my life but we couldn’t have one because it would be bad for him.

I never held this against him. I understood that it was a medical thing and that it would be stupid to risk his health just for me to get a dog.

However I have recently purchased my my own home in a different state than my family. And I got myself a dog. His name is Bradford and he is a husky. My dream dog.

I posted a pictures of Bradley on my socials and my parents saw them. They said it was irresponsible of me to get a dog because of my brother. I was like WTF? I literally live hundreds of miles away from them. Our next door neighbor had dogs when I was growing up. It’s not like he will affect my brother at all.

They said that they were planning on asking if my brother could stay with me while he attended college. News to me.

I said it probably would have been a good idea to let me know they were planning on that since they do not own my home.

They said that they had helped me out through school hoping I would help them out when it was my brother’s turn. Once again this was news to me.

They said I needed to get rid of Bradley. I told them to invoice me for their help and not bother me again.

They keep trying to contact me but I’m not interested in hearing it. I waited 26 years to get a dog and he’s not going anywhere.

They think I’m being an a**hole for prioritizing my dog over my brother and for how offhandedly I told them to bill me.


Check out what people had to say on Reddit.

This reader said they’re NTA and that they’re glad he stood up for himself.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said they’re NTA and that you can’t expect the oldest kid to take care of the rest of the clan.

Photo Credit: Reddit

And one Reddit user said they’re NTA and they think the brother was going to show up and lay everything on them.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Being a dog owner… it would be tough to give up my puppers for sure!

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