
‘She always complains, sends food back if it’s not absolutely perfect…’ Did He Cross The Line In Leaving Extra Tip To Apologize For His Wife’s Annoying Habits?

Source: iStock

We like to joke about those people who go into restaurants and order fifteen substitutions or changes to their dish, then end up sending it all back because it wasn’t what they wanted after all.

If you’ve worked in food service, though, you know that it happens – and that it’s annoying as heck.

OP’s wife is one of those customers, so he started writing in extra tip for the staff – and itemizing it, too.

My wife and I (in our 30s) dine out every once in a while but not too often because of my wife’s annoying habit, inherited from her family.

She always complains, sends food back if it’s not absolutely perfect, and makes needless requests/substitutions (she doesn’t have allergies or sensitivities). It can easily take 5 minutes for her just to order her own food and sometimes I’ve already finished my meal by time she gets her food because she sends it back, asks for modifications, etc.

I know restaurant staff don’t appreciate it. I’ve tried talking to her about this but she doesn’t see an issue with it.

Anyway, we make decent money and we use our combined fun funds on dates/dinners. I recently started writing what my wife does on the receipt and then calculating a tip (in addition to the normal gratuity) to compensate. So, to a receipt I might add:

– Complained about not having ___ beverage, +$5

– Asked 5 questions about a single menu item, +$5

– Asked for new drink because too much ice, +$5

– Sent meal back, was exactly what she ordered, +$5

When she eventually realized it was taking him forever to write in the tip she asked why and he showed her – he thought it was a harmless way to get her to see what she was doing, but she disagrees.

She didn’t notice me doing it the first two or three times but last night she noticed I was spending a lot of time on writing a tip amount and asked why. I showed her what I wrote. She’s been mad at me since, saying I’m embarrassing her to the staff. I told her she’s embarrassing us both.

AITA? Petty, maybe, but an AH?

So, to Reddit he went to get another opinion on the matter!

The top comment wonders whether or not this will give her some perspective.

This person knows how embarrassing it can be for others at the table.

Food service workers approve of his approach, too.

This commenter says this is a hill they’d be willing to die on.

Everyone likes some levity at work now and again.

I think he actually handled things perfectly.

Whether or not it will make a difference in the end remains to be seen.

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