
‘She made a big scene out of it and started crying.’ She Doesn’t Want To Eat Her Co-Worker’s Vegan Birthday Cake. Was She A Jerk?

Vegan Birthday Cake AITA She made a big scene out of it and started crying. She Doesnt Want To Eat Her Co Worker’s Vegan Birthday Cake. Was She A Jerk?

Dietary restrictions should always be respected, so what happens when somebody goes over the line?

This vegan coworker keeps trying to get a woman to eat a “vegan” cake… but is it really vegan?

Check out this story and see what you think…

AITA for refusing to eat from my colleague’s vegan birthday cake?

“I (29f) am working in an office and I have a colleague Bea, who routinely makes fun of vegans.

I am vegan and i never make a fuss about food, i go to the same restaurants as my coworkers during lunch hour and i can always find myself something to eat without announcing my dietary choices. Bea keeps calling me out on it though and she’s very condescending about it.

She keeps saying i am just having a phase and she keeps offering me bites of her lunch that contain cheese and meat, and when i refuse she just goes “oh come on, its vegan i promise!” winkwink. Its very childish and annoying and even other people asked her to tone it down, but she insists she’s just joking.

Last week she brought a homemade cake to the office for her birthday, and when she put a slice down in front of me i politely thanked her but i said i can’t eat that. She said the cake is vegan and she made it specifically so i could eat it, but knowing her very loose definition of vegan i asked a few questions about the ingredients and she didn’t check any of them for milk or eggs, so I thanked her again but refused the slice.

She made a big scene out of it and started crying and saying she just wanted to do something nice for me and now i ruined her birthday.

Some colleagues told me not to mind her dramatics, but my boss told me that it was her birthday and i could have given her cooking the benefit of the doubt. I sort of see his point, but i also feel like i dont need to justify my food choices to anyone and i never asked her to make the cake vegan for me.


So what did folks have to say?

Basically, she’s NTA and the coworker needs to grow up…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another person thinks that everybody should respect people’s dietary autonomy…

Photo Credit: Reddit

And this person agrees that she did the right thing by sticking to her principles…

Photo Credit: Reddit

Listen fam, nobody should EVER force you to eat something you don’t want to.

And nobody should cry if you don’t eat something you make.

Grow. Up.

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