
This Video Shows A Carrot Growing Over 100 Days

Carrot 100 Days TikTok This Video Shows A Carrot Growing Over 100 Days

Ever seen a carrot grow underground?

Well, if not, this is quite a cool little clip showing a carrot go from seeds to full carrot size.

First, of course… the seed has to be planted.

Then a little water…

And now we’re off to the races!

After 16 days we’ve got some sprouting!

And just two months later…

What a cool process!

In any case, if you’ve never seen a carrot grow to full size, check this video out!


Carrot time-lapse 100 days 🥕 #timelapse #carrot

♬ The King of the Golden Hall – Howard Shore

These folks are REALLY not getting the point of this video… but it’s funny!

And yeah, we get it – some carrots are big, some are small but NONE are superior!

Still size is dominating the chat! Little carrots are strong too!

Size doesn’t matter, right? lol

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