
Doctors Keep Telling Her To Lose Weight To Relieve Her Exhaustion. Eventually She’s Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea. – ‘Oh, honey, you’re just getting older.’

Source: TikTok/@thesam_show

It seems like more and more we’re hearing stories about doctor’s dismissing people’s stories about how they’re feeling and giving them really routine advice.

What could be going on? Is it that doctor’s are slacking off and not wanting to hear patients out because it means they’d have to do more work?

Naw… that couldn’t be it…

Meet Sam Hart (aka @thesam_show). She was feeling absolutely exhausted and knew it wasn’t normal. So she went to her doctor and said she was “tired all the time.”

The doctor’s response? Lose some weight.

Yeah, that’s it.

So she went back to the doctor later in the year and this time they said her exhaustion was probably due to “seasonal changes.”

Thankfully Sam kept searching for answers. Unfortunately, an OB-GYN didn’t provide any help. They took a similar tact and said, “Oh, honey, you’re just getting older. Welcome to the club.”

I’m literally getting angry right now just writing this. What in the what? You go to a doctor and say you’re legit exhausted and they say you’re getting old?

Do your job, doctors!

Thankfully, Sam finally found a doctor who would listen, but she prefaced the conversation by saying, “I don’t want to talk about my weight. I am so tired. There is something wrong.”

So they sent her in for a sleep study and the results were incredibly revealing.

She had a condition called sleep apnea, and she explains what was happening, “Turns out I wasn’t crazy. Turns out it wasn’t because I was overweight. My body physically was not sleeping at night. I was waking up, like, 80 times in the middle of the night because my body decided to stop breathing.”


The result?

She’s so happy, “I’ve been treating my sleep apnea for about three months. My migraines are gone. I haven’t taken a nap in the past two months. I don’t need to nap anymore. I’m dreaming again.”

Here’s the vide:



♬ original sound – Sam Hart

Needless to say, people were really on her side and the comments were on fire.

And people have definitely heard of this type of thing before.

But real talk… why are these doctors so focused on weight?

And, understandably, people want her to file complaints.

I would too! This is just a ridiculous situation, and these doctors need to be held accountable!

Do your job, doctors!

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