
Boss Tells Dyspraxic Worker To Go Home Until Their Hair Is Day. 3 Hours Later They Return And Get The Policy Changed.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@enginakyurt

I’ve heard of people getting sent home from work for all kinds of reasons in my day, but this is a new one!

So what was this worker supposed to do?

Well, maliciously comply, of course!

Check out how they handled this situation!

We think you’ll be impressed!

Go home and don’t come back till your hair is dried. Fine by me.

“I’m a dyspraxic.

For those unsure what that is I have no sense of time and my mind works faster than my body so I can trip and bump into things and get called clumsy and lazy by people who don’t understand it.

My employer was aware as I notify everyone and put it on application forms.

They were sometimes forgetful before they reported to work.

During my time working in the local hospital as an admin assistant in radiology I did fairly well attending work on time but to ensure this happened I sometimes had to miss out steps of my morning routine.

Usually things like brushing hair and having to do a messy bun so it looks tidy but can be done in 2 seconds etc. On this particular day I had a shower and once I was out of the shower I realised I only had time to dress and get to work so I must’ve been on a slow day.

I dress as fast as I can and rub my hair as dry as I can and brush it so it’s neat but damp and rush to work.

Luckily I lived by the back entrance so only had to walk 15 mins if that across the site, and I made it on time.

Their manager wanted to talk to them.

Once at work I got logged on and started working when my manager came over and said I should go home and dry my hair.

This annoyed me since I was dripping wet it was a damp but almost dry.

So I confirmed they were sending me home to ensure my pay as if I agreed to leave they didn’t have to pay me but if they told me to leave they had to pay me.

They confirmed that I had to leave and they were telling me to because I refused to leave willingly for damp hair.

I walked home and realised they have no idea if I have a hair dryer or not and since I’m being paid for the time it takes me to dry my hair I’ll sit watching TV until it’s dry.

Might as well take your time!

I must’ve been sat there 2/3 hours and went back in time for my dinner break. Then in the afternoon got back to working.

The manager came over to ask what took so long I responded my hair dryer broke and as you didn’t want me in till my hair was dry I waited for it to dry naturally.

I think they got the message…

They never complained about it again after that.

I ended up working there 4 years in total and was one of the best people they employed.

The manager asked if there was anything she could do to keep me but since I was having trouble with my personal life at the time there wasn’t anything she could do so she got a collection going for my last day and ended up with that much money.

They had a hamper made with personalized gifts and had so much left over I ended up with a £50 Amazon gift card too.

I offered to do bank shifts where I could to help out and did that for a year before I had to stop that too, but she even now still says she wished she had more people like me on her team and when jobs came up she offered me them until she retired 2 years ago.”

Check out how folks reacted.

One reader got sent home for a different reason…

This individual said they used to do this all the time.

One reader said this is ridiculous.

Another person said they’re gonna have to get paid more to worry about stuff like this.

And this individual reckoned that this probably wasn’t something the manager should have been worrying about.

Wet hair, don’t care!

Nice work!

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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