
Her Boss Told Her Not To Use Excel, So Employee Gets Revenge By Not Helping Her Out. – ‘She told me no spreadsheets’

Source: Reddit/AITA

Listen, if you believe what you read on Reddit, pretty much everyone is out there working for a less than stellar (or less than intelligent) boss.

OP started working somewhere new and immediately saw red flags in the fact that there was no manual that helped newbies (or seasoned employees) be sure they were following correct protocols.

I started a new job in late August.

Much to my chagrin I discovered that the business did not have a procedure manual in place for the business.

Wanting to put her best foot forward, OP created on of her own.

So to help myself remember the 100’s of processes each day I created one for myself.

I wanted to do a very good job and be helpful for my team. I wanted to make as few mistakes and embarrassing moments as possible.

Instead of being pleased or offering praise, she was reprimanded and informed they did not use Excel there because the manager didn’t know how to use it.

Over the last 11 weeks I’ve been chastised, threatened and officially brought into meetings because I created it and told to delete it.

When I was asked why what was the issue with it I was told that “I (my manager) detests excel because I’m not very good at it.”

Which is why, when her manager asked her to complete some of her Excel reports for their boss, OP declined.

So today in a professional development meeting we had with her boss around banking it was decided that she would send a spreadsheet to her boss every week.

After the meeting she turned to me and says “Can I get you to make the spreadsheet for me?”

“Thank you for the opportunity but no, I will not.”

“Sorry what?”

“Thank you for the opportunity, however you know what you need for the spreadsheet and you are more than equipped to make it.”

“But I’m delegating it to you.”

“Again thank you for the opportunity however the previous spreadsheets I created have been unwelcoming and so I respectfully decline the offer”

She got mad and left for the day.

She left soon afterward, and assumes things there continue to be as messed up as ever.

I put in my notice 1 week ago.

I’m not surprised that her boss didn’t ring me because she doesn’t want her to know she can’t do the job.

She told me not to have spreadsheets so no spreadsheets.

Does Reddit think this compliance is malicious enough for Reddit?

They think OP should let the big boss know, regardless.

There are reasons someone might not want things in writing.

Because this way they have plausible deniability.

Still, they do think OP should give them the benefit of the doubt.

Now that’s malicious compliance.

I’m not sure this is as wild as some things I read on Reddit.

But still, good for her for standing up for herself.

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