
Mom Believes In Traditional Marriage Roles, So Her Son Says He Won’t Help Her Out Around The House Because “That’s A Woman’s Job”

Source: Reddit/AITA/@SignAccomplished5941

That’s a pretty controversial headline in this day and age!

Telling a woman you won’t help them around the house because that’s a woman’s job? Uh oh!

But there’s gotta be more to the story, right?

Take a look at what this guy had to say and see if you think he acted like a jerk or if he was justified in what he said.

AITA for telling my mom I won’t help her around the house because that’s a woman’s job?

“So, I’m (28m) engaged to be married to my high-school sweetheart.

Due to some financial insecurities we used to face we moved back with my parents for a little while until we were able to afford to rent an apartment. I’ve lived with my parents in the past of course, then moved out with my fiancée for 2 years. Now we’ve moved with my parents for a while until the house we want to rent is available which will be in 2 months.

For context I have a married older sister who’s in the brink of divorce with her husband because he’s doing nothing around the house. He simply comes back from work and sits and plays until he goes to bed while my sister does all of the housework on top of her full time nursing job.

His mom is a bit…old-fashioned.

My mom believes my sister is unreasonable for her demands towards her husband and believes it’s a woman’s job to do housework and cater to her husband even if she works a job.

Also when I lived with my fiancée alone she’d always bad mouth my fiancée for “forcing me” to help around the house and always said how as a woman she’s not taking proper care of me, her soon to be husband because I also cooked, cleaned, did chores etc.

Even now that we live in my parents house, when we need to do laundry etc I don’t expect my fiancée to be the one to do it. I do it myself many times as well.

My mom doesn’t like that and claims how my fiancée has me as a maid.

He’s a good son.

Now despite all that, my mom demands that I help her around the house when it’s housework she wants to do.

And I do, I always do my part since I live here but for her it’s never enough and I’m a lazy son who doesn’t care about helping his mother.

But he finally had enough.

After all the ridiculous stuff she’s said about my fiancée and my sister’s “traditional roles” I told her than you know what? I’m not helping around. That’s a woman’s job remember? So don’t demand from me to help you with your chores since it’s a woman’s job and I’m a man.

I keep defending my sister and I keep contributing equally to my fiancée and I’s chores. I just refuse to contribute any helping hands to my mother since she believes she’s entitled to help but my fiancée and sister are supposed to be maids.

My mom has bad mouthed me to the entire family right now and whenever someone visits they scold me and call me an ******* basically for being lazy and not helping out my mom. AITA for giving my mom a taste of her own medicine?”

This is what Reddit users had to say.

This person had mixed feelings about this story.

Another individual made a good point about his mom.

This reader said he can’t fix his mother.

Another Reddit user made a good point.

And this person said he’s NTA and they just don’t understand his mom.

I bet this mom learned her lesson!

Good for that guy!

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