
Horrible Boss Made A Beloved Employee Cry, So Every Last One Of Them Quit And Got Him Fired

ProRevengeTakesBossJob Horrible Boss Made A Beloved Employee Cry, So Every Last One Of Them Quit And Got Him Fired

When you come into a company as a new supervisor, the best course of action is to stop, take a look around, and observe the people and processes for some time.

You could even, I don’t know, ask the standout employees about best practices and things like that.

If you believe Reddit, too many bosses jump right in and try to run things their way, though. Oops.

OP had worked for a single company for a good number of years and was happy with their job.

This all happened in an eu country I don’t say which one sorry. I did my apprenticeship in a mid to big size factory as a machine operator.

After I completed my apprenticeship I worked in the production for around 1 month. Then I got called in to the office and they asked me if I can do some holiday replacement so I said yes why not better hours and clean work.

I got teached the systems which was pretty ez because I manufactured those parts for 1 year.

After my coworker came back from their vacation they ask me to stay and became a part of their team so I said yes sounds good. So I was now working in the sale/quality department.

Now to the present time( 7 years later)

Our team increased from 5 worker to 15 because of restructuring which helped us a lot.

That is, until a new young – and sexist – manager showed up.

My boss retired last fall. And after Christmas we got a new young boss around my age (27) who was a major jerk and sexist.

We got a few weeks before him a new hire a lovely young girl (Age 19) which I trained her.

If you are new you are doing some error which is totally fine in my opinion.

One day, they came in to find that the new guy had made a young girl cry.

So I Come in last Tuesday to hear my new boss screaming like a maniac at this young girl.

I asked her what happened and she said she filled the wrong form which happens even to me. My boss noticed it and screamed at her I paraphrase it.

Boss: You stupid little ****, how dumb can you be to fill out the wrong form I should fire you and make sure that you never find any work in this field again.

Coworker started crying at this point.

Then my boss stormed into his office and slammed the door shut.

I asked my coworker if she’s okay and she was still sobbing so I brought her a coffee and took her to our office grandma (everyone loves her so much).

OP gathered his coworkers and they made a drastic sort of plan.

I was at this point pretty mad and told everyone what happened. After they learned what he did to our new coworker 3 stormed into his office and quit after 25 years in this company.

Mx boss said to them that they are worthless and overpaid. They told us that and a plan was formed everyone will quit except for me for now.

What my boss didn’t know yet is we had a huge customer audit happening in 3 weeks which I am the only certified to prepare for. If we fail this it would cost us 15 to 20 million euros and the customer would pull the contract.

So after my boss learned that the whole department quit except for me he was even more angry.

Once OP was the only one left, they lowered the gauntlet.

Boss: hey why the heck did everyone quit

Me: maybe because you are a jerk and a pig?

Boss: what did you just say!

Me: you know what I said and do you remember the big audit in 3 weeks by customer x?

Boss: yeah what’s about that?

Me: you know that I am the only one certified to prepare it right?

Boss: yeah and?

Me: I quit as well because I do not want to work for such an unkind boss see ya. And walked right out to my other coworkers to say goodbye in the whole factory.

Luckily for them, the higher-ups got wind of the situation.

The production vp noticed it and ask what happens so I told him and he was mad.

He called the ceo which I knew pretty well and said Robert the poo hit the fan big time come down to the production floor now. The ceo ask if it’s important and the vp said if you want to pass the audit in 3 weeks then get down here now.

So the ceo came running down with the entire c suits and asked what’s so important. Then I piped up and said our whole department quit today and won’t come back until this new boss gets removed and fired.

Then they ask what happens and we told them. They were mad and asked how they can fix it I said fire him and hire a better fit.

Because I held the most trainings and qualifications they ask me which I gladly said yes.

So we took of to my new office with my old department and the ceo in tow.

My boss saw me and said arrogantly

Decided to came back an beg for your job back you little r word?

Me: nah just to inspect my new office cuz you are fired by now. He laughs and said that I am under him and only the ceo can fire him. So the ceo came around the little corner and said to my boss:


My ex boss was white as a sheet.

After that the ceo called the police and reported him trespassing.

OP ended up in a better position with better pay, and even shared the bonus, too.

In the end I got a 70k raise and a bonus option which I declined and ask if we can split it for my coworkers I don’t need that much money( 1 million euro worth of bonuses)

My ceo agreed and everyone got their job back and we complete the audit without Any fails.

The customer was happy and so we are too.

I bet Reddit thinks they were the best choice for boss all the time!

They definitely think OP was great for sharing that bonus.

Image Credit: Reddit

Things run different in Europe.

Image Credit: Reddit

Some people found the story a little too good to be true.

Image Credit: Reddit

Happy employees will always pay off in the meantime.

Image Credit: Reddit

Americans can’t fathom anyone would do this.

Image Credit: Reddit

I think it’s telling that Americans can’t believe this story.

It just show how terrible things really are out there for regular people.

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