Food and autism has to be such a tough balancing act.
Especially when that food is made / prepared by a family member.
You know you don’t want to be rude, but you sometimes mentally can’t help what makes you go “EWWWW”.
This is a simple story about wanting to do the right thing, even when you can’t control your reactions.
AITA for refusing to eat my food because my aunt put stuff on it
My aunt lives pretty far away and my parents and I were staying with her, my uncle and 2 cousins for a week. They’re like really obsessed with eating healthy food so they only have organic stuff and like no sugar.
OP explains how their family lives away from the city, and that shopping for and buying food is a little different from their routine.
They also live in the countryside and there’s only one little shop near them to get food from (unless you order online which is what they do.) I’m autistic and there’s a lot of food i don’t like. I’m not picky or anything and i still eat healthy stuff but i just hate a lot of foods too.
My aunt had nothing that i like eating (apart from a few little things) so i mainly just had pot noodles from the shop (they didn’t sell much i like either) but i don’t mind because pot noodles are my favourite food because they always taste the same they never change it’s great.
So OP goes on that the aunt said she’d make something that OP would like, for watching the cousins.
Sounds like a win-win.
But it also sounds like the script was flipped.
And someone dealing with autism usually doesn’t take to pattern-changes very well.
My aunt offered to make me a pot noodle because i was looking after my cousins when i went to eat it though she’d put lettuce and peppers and stuff in it. Basically making it into a salad. I don’t hate salad i just don’t want it in my noodles it ruins it and it makes it taste different and ew.
I told her i’m not eating it and i got kinda upset at her for messing with it. She told me that i was being unreasonable and she was just trying to make me something healthier. My parents agree with her and said i should apologise.
It’s an unfortunate happenstance, but definitely not unresolvable.
Let’s see what folks had to say.
One person was pretty shocked at even the thought of lettuce in a pot noodle!
Another commenter wanted a bit more clarification, but still sided with OP.
While one Redditor offered a fantastic way to mediate these tough personal situations that may arise later in life.
Don’t lettuce my noodles, man!
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