
She Refused To Babysit Because She Needed A Day Off, But Her Daughter-In-Law Called Her Selfish

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

If there is one universal truth in the world it is that everyone needs a day or two now and then where they can do absolutely nothing.

Unfortunately, those can be hard to come by.

OP has had a rough several weeks and was looking forward to a weekend off.

I am in my late 50s, and in general last month with the holiday and then my job being rough the beginnings of the month I am tired.

Today I able to take a half day and this weekend I plan on doing nothing. This seems to be a problem.

So, when her kids asked her to babysit, she said no.

I got a call today asking if I could babysit the grandkids tomorrow night. They have to visit her uncle and doesn’t want to take the kids to the nursing home.

I told my DIL no.

When they found out she had no plans they got angry.

She asked why and I told her I need to recharge. DIL asked if I truly was doing nothing and I told her yes.

This started and argument where she thinks I am being selfish and I can easily do this since I am doing nothing. I told her my answer was again no.

OP wonders whether or not she should just suck it up.

My son is also mad at me now, and I am wondering if I should suck it up and babysit.

Reddit to the rescue!

The top comment says there’s nothing wrong with being selfish sometimes.

This person says OP is allowed self care.

And remember, ‘no’ is a full statement.

If it was an emergency that would be different.

It should not have been a discussion at all.

Man, this is some entitled behavior from the kids.

I know it’s rough out there but dang.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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