
Former NASA Scientist Claims He Can Overcome Earth’s Gravity With A Propellant-Less Drive, But Is It The Real Deal?

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Science has assumed for years that gravity is one of the constants of living on this planet.

You can’t fight it, at least not for any real length of time.

But according to engineer Charles Buhler, that’s not technically true.

It was 2001 when he first introduced the “impossible drive,” or the “EmDrive.”

Its creator, Richard Shawyer, claimed it was required no propellant and defied the known laws of physics.

Two decades of testing came out with a conclusion in 2021: it was bunk.

That said, a new propellant-less machine has entered the chat, and this time, it’s backed by former NASA scientist Charles Buhler.

At NASA, he helped establish the Electrostatics and Surface Physics Lab at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Now he’s co-founded space company Exodus Propulsion Technologies, and says they’ve created a drive powered by a “new force” outside our current known laws of physics.

This time, they say the propellant-less drive is strong enough to overcome gravity.

“The most important message to convey to the public is that a major discovery occurred. This discovery of a New Force is fundamental in that electric fields alone can generate a sustainable force onto an object and allow center-of-mass translation of said object without expelling mass.”

He recently presented his findings at the Alternative Propulsion Energy Conference (APEC). In an interview with APEC’s founder Tim Ventura, Buhler talked about how his background led him to this point.

He and some of his colleagues from NASA and other entities have been making slow progress over many years, the thrust improving little by little.

“Essentially, what we’ve discovered is that systems that contain an asymmetry in either electrostatic pressure or some kind of electrostatic divergent field can give a system of a center of mass a non-zero force component. So, what that basically means is that there’s some underlying physics that can essentially place force on an object should those two constraints be met.”

The history of these propellant-less drive tells us that this won’t hold up to scrutiny from the community at large.

Third party research is going to happen here, too, and as they attempt to verify results, we could all find ourselves back at square one.

That’s science, I guess.

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