
This Bar Customer Said He Asked For Water And Was Told To Drink Out of Bathroom Sink

Source: TikTok/@seanlans

Customer service goes down the drain again!

A TikTokker named Sean posted a video and talked about how he was treated by a bartender when all he wanted was a drink of water.

Sean said he asked a bartender for a drink of water and explained, “She turns around and comes back with a bottle of water. She looks me in the face and says, ‘that’ll be $8.’”

Sean asked if he could have tap water and the bartender told him to go to the bar’s bathroom.

He said, “She’s not telling me to go and stick my face under the faucet to get water, right?”

Sean then asked if he could have a cup for water and the bartender told him that the bar doesn’t give out free cups.

He explained, “So I was like, ‘Oh, it’s clear to me now. She’s just being difficult.”

Sean ended up going to another bar and was given tap water.

He told viewers, “I’m just like, is it not a law that bars and restaurants have to offer you free tap water? I thought that was a thing. It’s just like, why are you trying to make me jump through so many hoops? Like, it’s just a water!”

Here’s his video.


It’s counterintuitive too because it’s in the bar’s favor to keep people hydrated while they’re drinking #drinking #club #bartender #gay

♬ original sound – seanlans

Now let’s see what folks had to say about this.

One viewer thinks the bartender broke the law.

Another TikTokker made a good point.

And this individual was shocked by the price.

How rude!

Good grief!

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