Tag: bartenders

May 25, 2024 at 10:51 am

This Bar Customer Said He Asked For Water And Was Told To Drink Out of Bathroom Sink

Source: TikTok/@seanlans

“She’s not telling me to go and stick my face under the faucet to get water, right?”

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April 24, 2024 at 4:33 pm

A Bartender Was Needlessly Rude To Them, So They Made Sure To Pay In Coins To Ruin Their Day

A Bartender Was Needlessly Rude To Them, So They Made Sure To Pay In Coins To Ruin Their Day

Now that’s how it’s done!

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November 2, 2023 at 4:37 pm

‘The bar owner weighs the bottles.’ A Woman Talked About How You Can Tell if Your Bartender Is Stealing From You

'The bar owner weighs the bottles.' A Woman Talked About How You Can Tell if Your Bartender Is Stealing From You

Keep your eyes peeled next time you’re at your local tavern…

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September 11, 2023 at 8:32 pm

‘We could charge $12 and people would pay it.’ A Bartender Said She Charges Customers $8 For Pizza At Her Bar, But It’s Actually Just A Cheap Frozen Brand

'We could charge $12 and people would pay it.' A Bartender Said She Charges Customers $8 For Pizza At Her Bar, But It's Actually Just A Cheap Frozen Brand

We’ve all paid too much for bar food.

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August 24, 2023 at 11:28 am

‘I paid for the cup, I paid for the glass, I paid for the water.’ A Woman Shows How A Rude Bartender Charged Her 50 Cents For Water And Complained She Had To Get It

'I paid for the cup, I paid for the glass, I paid for the water.' A Woman Shows How A Rude Bartender Charged Her 50 Cents For Water And Complained She Had To Get It

This bartender is out of hand!

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