
Driverless Taxi Passenger Described A Scary Experience She Had In A Waymo Vehicle. – ‘The cars keep blocking us.’

Source: TikTok/@sosobombs

HECK to the NO!

I won’t be getting into a driverless car anytime soon, amigos…

But there’s no escaping the future, and apparently, we’re already there.

A TikTokker named Sophia posted a video and showed viewers what happened when she took a ride in a Waymo driverless taxi.

Her text overlay reads, “Why get a boring Uber when you can get a driverless taxi that tries to make unprotected left turns.”

Sophia said, “Normally, in a situation like this where you’re gonna be making an unprotected left turn across a busy…three, lane street, cars would let you through? I’m curious to see how the Waymo operates in this situation.”

Sophia added, “The cars keep blocking us, which they’re not supposed to do” when the driverless Jaguar gets stuck in traffic.

The car eventually made a left-hand turn and Sophia said, “That was so close!” as she laughed uneasily.

Looks kinda scary!

Let’s take a look at the video.


This is one way to spice up your commute

♬ original sound – Sophia Lovász

Here’s how people reacted on TikTok.

This viewer isn’t having it…

Another TikTok user asked a question.

And this individual isn’t ready for this yet…

Nope! Uh uh…

I don’t think I’m ready.

If you liked that story, check out this one about a 72-year-old woman was told by her life insurance company that her policy was worthless because she’d paid for 40 years. 🙁

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