
Constant Noise Complaints Annoy The Heck Out of Him, So He Scares The Nosy Neighbor Into Silence

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Kindel Media

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Kindel Media

When a young couple moved into their first apartment, they found themselves the target of endless noise complaints from their elderly neighbor.

Despite their quiet lifestyle, they can’t seem to catch a break.

After a failed attempt at making peace, they decide to teach her a lesson she won’t forget….here’s the story!

Scared my neighbor so badly being petty she called the cops…. Again

Years ago when my wife and I first got married we moved into a small 1br apartment together. We found out later this particular unit has been vacant quite a while.

The woman on the other side of our only shared wall was an elderly woman. She never spoke to us but was never overtly rude to us.

Very quickly after moving in we received a notice someone has complained about excessive noise.

Now we were young, but we never liked to throw parties at our own house we went out so we had never even had people over at this point so we were quite confused by this.

We called the office and they told us not to worry too much about it, it must have been a misunderstanding.

All right, brush it off…

About a week later, I get a knock on our door. It’s the police. We open the door to see what’s up. They tell us a neighbor has called and complained we were being too loud.

We were literally sitting in our living room watching TV. We showed the officers as much and they apologized and left.

This happened several more times over the coming months, one time we came home from a movie to the cops knocking.

We showed them our ticket stubs and opened the door to a dark and silent apartment. At this point the officers said OK, we’ll take care of this.

I closed the door but stayed at the door and watched them walk towards my neighbor and knock on her door.

I hear them telling her she is to stop calling them for nothing or there will be consequences.

Okay, that’s enough of that.

After seeing this, we now knew for sure who was calling. A few days later we were parking and saw her pull in right after us.

My wife decided to try and talk to her finally and see if we could figure out the problem.

My wife walked towards her car smiling saying hello. This woman locked herself in her car and started crying. We left her be obviously.

My wife went straight to the office to speak to the staff about this issue. I went inside and waited at the peephole.

Now this woman was very old, and walked with a walker. I hear the outside door close, I wait a few seconds and she comes into view on my peep hole.

While she is walking by my door I reach back and kick the door with all my might.

She screams, lifting her walker into the air and screams as she nearly sprints to her apartment.


After a few minutes I get out my vacuum and start running it as cover because I know what’s coming.

A few minutes later, sure enough, police are at my door, lucky for me it’s the same cops as the last time.

They knock a couple times and I shut off the vacuum and answer the door.

They apologize for the intrusion but they have to come and ask if I had struck my door while she was walking by? I was aghast at the accusation.

I say guys, come on, I would never, what kind of a childish monster would do that to an old woman? (I don’t know if they believed me or not but they accepted the explanation).

Oh how the tables have turned.

After this final straw she was not allowed to renew her lease a few months later and was cited for improper use of 911 and we were granted an order of protection against her.

Was I super petty? Definitely. Do I regret it? Sometimes. Would I do it again? Absolutely.

Scaring the neighbor straight might’ve been extreme, but hey, peace and quiet at last!

What did the people of Reddit have to say about this?

This person pointed out this missed opportunity.

This person approves wholeheartedly.

And this person thinks she got what she deserved.


Guess she didn’t see that coming.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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