
Downstairs Neighbor Lied To The Apartment Manager About This Couple’s Behavior, So They Decided To Give Them Something Noisy To Really Complain About

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Apartment living has some upsides – you don’t have to do your own maintenance, you have people closeby, etc.

The downsides are obviously also that you have people closeby.

These people’s new neighbors had some kind of beef, and made up complaints to get them in trouble with the complex.

When they realized it was time to leave, they figured why not make the most of the time they had left.

Let’s hear the details!

My new downstairs neighbor made the manager harass me. I hope he likes being woken up at 2 am every night

I’ve lived in the same apartment with my boyfriend for almost 4 years.

It’s not the best apartment but I love the location. I’ve never really had any problems here, I’m a quiet neighbor that stays to myself.

They couldn’t figure out what was going on.

My new downstairs neighbor has made several stupid complaints. Like complaints me running my garbage disposal.

But the most recent one was ridiculous. He went and told management that there’s been issues with my balcony. I got a call last week asking if I’ve been throwing anything over my balcony. I told the manager absolutely not.

There’s plants down below so I had dumped a water bottle off into the plants before but that’s not harming anyone..

Because of this call I went out to my balcony to investigate. I noticed my flower vase had fallen over and some water may of spilled down.

Not too big of a deal. There wasn’t too much water in the vase when the wind knocked it over.

And then the complaints got downright outrageous.

I think this is the end of that silly complaint but I was wrong. The weekend passes and I get a nasty notice on my door.

The notice said Pet violation for not picking up after my dog $50 fine. And stating I’m at risk of getting my lease terminated because of my violations. The only problem is… I don’t have a dog!

I emailed the property manager and said “I do not have a dog. Therefore I’m not paying this fine” she sends back a RIDICULOUS email stating that she’s received SEVERAL complaints (I only have one downstairs neighbor) about urine coming from my balcony.

So she ASSUMED I was letting my dog (that I don’t have) whizs on my balcony.. then she says since I don’t have a dog that means me or my boyfriend are doing that off our own balcony!!!!

And that I’m still in violation of my lease!

They had more than enough of that nonsense.

This was just comical at this point. My boyfriend and I have NEVER done this. We’ve never had any complaints in our 4 years here.

It just so happens as soon as I got a new downstairs neighbor the complaints came rolling in.

Here’s where the petty revenge kicks in. I work night shift so I don’t go to bed until around 6am. Every morning around 6 am I hear my new neighbor leaving for work.

My boyfriend and I decided to incorporate a new 2 am workout when I get home from work consisting of jumping jacks, running in place and all sorts of fun stuff just for my lovely downstairs neighbor.

I’ve informed the leasing office that I won’t be renewing my lease in December due to this.

The next 3 months for my new neighbor is going to be a nightmare. I hope he enjoys it.

Wow, what a doozy.

I bet Reddit is even a bit shocked!

This person has tips.

This is another good one.

That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.

So many ways to make noise.

Seriously, they deserve whatever they get.

In what messed up world would a manager believe this?

Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.

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