
Neighbor Complained About Their Music Violating The “24-Hour Quiet Hours” Rule. Meanwhile, Her Dog Barks All Day Long.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Pexels/Samson Katt

The unwritten rule of “I won’t tell on you as long as you won’t tell on me” works almost every time if both parties are kind and considerate enough of each other’s situation.

However, in this story, one of them wasn’t able to hold up their end of the bargain.

Find out what happened when this person’s neighbor complained about them when she is clearly the one who’s violating the rules.

Spoiler alert: it didn’t turn out well.

Dogs don’t follow quiet hours

In my junior year of college, I lived in a 24-hour quiet hours on-campus apartment.

The rules meant any noise at all could be complained about, and with three complaints, you’re evicted.

Realistically, it meant if you stopped the party by midnight, nobody cared.

They had an unspoken agreement with their neighbor upstairs.

My roommates and I lived in the last apartment, so I only had the one apartment upstairs as neighbors, and I was next to the road.

We didn’t complain about their noise, and they didn’t complain about us (me, since my roommates were never there).

Until finals’ week.

However, they received a complaint.

After the first day of finals, I turned on some music to chill.

About twenty minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. It was the resident assistant (RA) whose job it is to enforce the rules.

He told me there was a complaint about loud music.

We went back and forth for a bit, because I was the only one there, and he couldn’t even hear my music at the door.

The RA did say he could hear it a bit as he walked up, because my window was open and we walked outside to find that yes, you could hear it outside, and it looked like the upstairs neighbor’s window was open, too.

They tried to talk to the neighbor, but she didn’t want to.

After that, he left to talk to the complainer (upstairs) and then, came back saying she held to the complaint, and that if I get two more, I’ll be evicted.

After he left, I went upstairs to talk, but my neighbor wouldn’t open the door.

She just yelled though it that I should know better about the 24-hour quiet hour housing, and to follow the rules and make no noise, or she’ll complain again.

Fine. I turned off my music, and waited for her to leave.

So, they had to do they had to.

Around dinner time, I heard her leave.

Within 10 minutes, I heard what I was waiting for, so I call the RA to complain about “an intermittent loud noise from upstairs that’s making it hard to study.”

The RA asked if I’m just complaining in retaliation, and that we should work it out without his involvement.

I told him I tried, but that she told me it’s 24-hour quiet hours.

I offered that if he came and felt my complaint was not legitimate, I wouldn’t say anything for the rest of finals’ week.

The RA discovered that the neighbor was keeping a dog.

He came and knocked on her door.

I could tell when he did so, because her dog went crazy.

The RA came down and told me it was a legitimate complaint and dogs are not allowed.

He then asked when the dog got there, saying it was stupid of her to bring one over right after she complained about her neighbor’s noise.

My response: October.

Now, the issue has been referred to the Campus Housing Authority.

He just looked at me for about 20 seconds like I had two heads.

Finally, I continued to say that yes, he heard me right, that she’d been keeping the dog there for two months, and I hadn’t complained even though it barked like crazy when she wasn’t there.

He had to go to the Campus Housing Authority, and they ultimately told her she could finish out her finals on campus if she immediately removed the dog.

But she would need to find alternative housing next semester for violating rules regarding animals on campus.

Finally, the neighbor and her dog had to leave.

Two mornings later, a dog’s bark woke me up, so I called the RA to complain.

That night, the RAs helped her pack up her stuff, and she had to stay in a hotel for the rest of finals.

What do you think other people have to say about this?

Let’s find out…

Yup, looks like this was what happened.

This one’s short but meaningful.

I couldn’t say this any better myself.

Well done, OP!

Some people think they are above the rules and can get away with anything.

Well, sorry, neighbor. You’re not!

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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