
Her Neighbor Called Landlords About The Weeds In Her Yard, So Now She Goes Out Of Her Way To Make Sure Her Yard Always Has Weeds In It

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Pexels/Edson Silva

If you live in a neighborhood with an HOA, there are rules you have to follow. The neighbors in today’s story don’t have an HOA, but one neighbor is taking it upon herself to make sure neighbors follow the rules.

Let’s see how one neighbor got even…

Call code enforcement on weeds during the rainy season? Enjoy a year-round yard full of weeds.

We don’t have an HOA. I insisted not to look at any property with one.

However, we live in a pretentious area surrounded by neighborhoods with HOAs.

As such, we look similar to the rest of the neighborhoods, but in other neighborhoods, it looks sterile, and in ours, it looks, well, “lived in”.

The neighbor is worse than an HOA.

Well, because we don’t have an HOA, we have a busybody neighbor that likes to target the renters on our street (specifically).

They never confront directly, instead, they call landlords or code enforcement.

Recently, two renters purchased their homes from the landlord – one of which is a great friend of ours (and why we know they were being targeted) and the other our neighbor across the street, that we’ve always been cordial with, but kind of kept to ourselves.

Enter code enforcement…

One of them was approached by code enforcement about her weeds (to be fair, at the time, some of my weeds were actually higher than theirs. WTF)

They didn’t know she purchased the home – so she asked the inspector what the maximum height was for the weeds.

They responded that they can be a maximum of 6″.

She knew what she had to do…

For the past year and a half, she’s been trimming all the weeds in her yard to 6″ exactly. It looks absolutely terrible – worse, I’d argue, than when those tall weeds were in her yard.

I was reminded of this because I just saw her trimming her weeds with scissors and a ruler when I got home today.

But hey, she’s up to city code!

This reader was pleasantly surprised by the outcome of this story!

Another reader thinks the neighbor needs to time her trimming wisely.

This reader has an “evil” idea…

Another reader wonders why the neighbor is putting in so much work.

This person is most bothered by the busybody neighbor’s tactics.

The busybody neighbor might think twice before contacting code enforcement next time!

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