
His Neighbor Refused To Take Care Of The Lawn On The Property Between Their Fences, So He Figured He’d Just Let It Grow Wild

Source: PublicDomainPictures/Reddit

Taking care of your lawn is important for keeping your neighborhood looking nice.

What happens if your neighbor refuses to mow a section of their grass and demands that you do it instead?

That is what the man in this story is dealing with.

Let’s take a look!

AITA for saying I won’t mow my neighbors property?

When we purchased our home in Aug of 2020 neither our neighbors to the north (who rent) or I had a fence.

Then, in the late fall they had a chain link fence installed on the top of a retaining wall (that belongs to them) and running straight back to where the backyard neighbors have a 6ft cedar privacy fence.

No big deal so far.

They have 2 very misbehaved dogs that bark constantly so when we decided to get a fence ourselves we decided we wanted to get a 6ft privacy fence so they wouldn’t see our dog when he is outside.

When they came to put the fence in they determined where our property line was and it was actually between 3 to 4 FEET from where their fence is due to a zoning law that states a retaining wall cannot be within 3 ft. of a property line.

Seems like the smart thing to do.

The fence company stated they could put up the fence against the chain link but since that is technically their property, if the owners/future owners ever wanted to, they could force us to move/take down the fence so we decided to put the fence along our property line so now there is a 4 ft. gap between the two fences.

I went over to explain the situation to the neighbors and he gave me their landlords phone number.

Nice of him to let the property owner know.

I called him and explained the situation to which he replied it would make a “weedy mess”.

I then replied with something along the lines of “that’s why i wanted to let you know, so they can maintain it.”

Because it is your property!

This last weekend he texted me and said “I am having a hard time understanding why I should be responsible for that strip between the 2 fences.

I have not mowed that for 15 years!” I replied with, “that may have been the agreement you had with the previous owner but our fence guys determined where the property lines were. I am not sure why yours did not. at the end of the day that is your property and I am not going to maintain it.”

And he replied “and neither am I”

I didn’t reply after that.

I feel like I may be the a**hole since it really is relatively a small area and would only take about 5 mins to mow it but then again, it’s not our property.


Wow, his neighbor seems like a real piece of work.

Let’s see what some of the commenters thought of it.

This person discusses having the property deeded to him.

Here is a comment that offers a good solution.

This person makes a point about trespassing.

This person says the city may step in.

Yup, pretty simple really.

It’s your property, you have to take care of it.

Or not.

If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.

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