
She Moved Into A Pet Friendly Apartment Building, But Her Neighbor Complained That Her Dog Was Causing Her To Have An Allergic Reaction

Source: LoonyLabs/Reddit

Dealing with allergies can be annoying, especially when the cause of them is unavoidable.

What would you do if your neighbor was complaining that your dog was causing them to have an allergic reaction?

That is what the woman in this story is facing, read on to see how she handles it.

AITA for not accommodating my neighbor’s allergy?

My(26F) fiancé(26M) and I live in an apartment where dogs and cats are allowed.

It was actually the main reason we moved in over a year ago.

How lucky!

This is the first time I my life I have lived in a place where pets are allowed because they are in very high demand are much more expensive and there aren’t that many of them.

I was on the waiting list for 5 years.

So about a month after we moved in we got our puppy.


She is a sweet mostly well mannered Landseer(European continental) albeit still quite hyper as she is still young.

So the other day as we where coming home from one of our daily walks our next door neighbor stopped us to say that the dog hairs our dog sheds in the shared staircase is giving her a rash around her mouth.

I was not having a great day so I just said okay and went inside.

Unfortunate, but not her problem.

However, I am confused as to what she wants me to do about it since the renting company have cleaning people coming by once a week to clean the staircase.

And it’s not like I’m brushing my dog out in the staircase.

I also don’t understand why someone would move in to a building with pets allowed if they are allergic to dogs especially as I said they are more expensive and harder to find than those where pets aren’t allowed and they would’ve had to be on the waiting list for a while to get the place.

Wow, that’s petty.

But since then our neighbor have been sweeping all of the dirt away from their door and leaving it in front of ours.

I’m guessing it’s supposed to be a passive aggressive way of getting us to remove the few dog hairs from the staircase but the cleaning people cleaned it Thursday when they where here and it doesn’t really bother me.

Also a week before my neighbor talked to me we found a small ball of dog hair in our mailbox and I’ve been thinking it might have been that neighbor who did it.

I don’t think it is my job to clean the staircase and I can’t completely ensure my dog doesn’t shed out there and I already brush her once sometimes twice a week.

But I’ve been wondering maybe I am an a****** for not doing anything about it, I do feel bad my neighbor is experiencing rashes and probably discomfort.


It is unfortunate that the neighbor struggles with allergies, but they choose to live in an apartment complex that allows pets.

Let’s see if the commenters have any advice.

Yeah, a little pet hair is normal.

Yup, it is simple really.

Key words…Pet Friendly.

Definitely something she should consider.

Exactly, she decided to live there.

Come on lady, it is a pet friendly apartment building.

Move out or move on.

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