
New Neighbors Expected Him To Mow Their Lawn The Way He Had For The Previous Elderly Owner, And They Couldn’t Believe He Turned Them Down Cold

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@johnmcclane

This is pretty crazy, in my humble opinion…

And while there seems to be some miscommunication going on here, this person clearly wasn’t down with this situation…

Did they act like a jerk?

Let’s take a look at their story…

AITA for not mowing my neighbor’s lawn?

“I had a next door neighbor who recently passed away.

He was in his 80s and I mowed his lawn for him every couple weeks whenever I’d do my own, since he told me he couldn’t physically do it anymore.

He offered to pay me but I never took any payment from him.

Anyways, when he passed his son told me he was going to sell the house.

He offered me some money to keep mowing until they get it sold, I said sure.

That grass sure is getting long…

New neighbors moved in a couple weeks ago now and they haven’t mowed once.

(Granted we are getting close to mowing being done for the year, but we probably have at least one or two mows left).

Yesterday, new neighbor left a note on my door while I was working asking when their yard would be done.

Here’s the deal…

I went over to talk to them and explained that I mowed for my former neighbor because of his age, and for the son because he was paying me.

If they wanted me to mow their lawn they were gonna have to pay. (They’re a married couple around my age, mid-late 20s).

I don’t think so!

Apparently the son (or realtor?) told them that my mowing services come with the house. That I mowed for the last owner and his son, and I’ve agreed to mow for them as well.

I literally laughed and told them nope, I never offered that. I again said I’d do it if they paid me but they didn’t want to so I left.

The son is now reaching out to me since the new neighbors called to complain to him.

He thought since I was helping his dad “out of the kindness of my heart” I’d do the same for any neighbor.

New neighbors specifically didn’t buy a lawn mower because he told them this.

I stood firm and said nope.


Here’s how folks reacted on Reddit.

One person said they’re NTA.

Another reader agreed.

This individual didn’t hold back.

Another person spoke up.

This reader shared their thoughts.

Talk about being entitled!

This was never going to fly.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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