
Boyfriend Agreed To Spend Weekends With His Girlfriend, But Then She Reveals They’re Going To Her Boss’s Wedding Instead

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Jeremy Wong

So, here’s the deal: A guy promises to keep his weekends free for his girlfriend, but when she RSVPs to her boss’s wedding and expects him to tag along, he’s not having it.

Now, the tension is real.

Read on for the story!

AITA for not wanting to attend my gf’s bosses wedding?

My gf (23f) and me (24m) have been together for over 2 years. While I’m finishing my last year of my degree she has started as a physiotherapist at the start of the month.

She joined a group of practitioners in another village which is 2 hours away from where I study so obviously we don’t see each other as much as we used to. Therefore I have promised to keep as much weekends free for her as possible, giving up time with my own family and friends. I don’t mind this bc I love her and enjoy spending time with her.

How nice.

Recently her new boss is getting married and invited my gf over to the wedding and said that I could come too. Since the wedding falls on a Saturday my gf thought I would be coming so she RSVP’d.

I am kind of annoyed because I really don’t feel like going to a wedding when I literally don’t know a soul and she would know 3 people tops.

Oh. Nevermind.

When I told her (this was like 3 weeks ago) she got mad and said that I already was breaking my promise to her.

I feel like I did not break any promise, I still kept the weekend free for her, like I told her. She is not obligated to attend the wedding and certainly can’t force me to go. I told her she can go if she wants to but that it will be without me. If she wants to spend time together she will not go.

She still calls me a jerk over this, is still mad at me and brings it up anytime she can which drives me nuts. My mom also tells me I’m in the wrong but my friends think I should stand my ground.

Balancing relationship promises and personal boundaries isn’t always easy.

When “keeping the weekend free” doesn’t include crashing a wedding—are we team “stay home” or “suck it up”?

Reddit chooses the latter.

This person thinks he needs a better idea of what a relationship is.

This person says as a boyfriend, you sometimes need to do things you don’t love to respect your girlfriend.

This person has a bomb threat.


When “date night” turns into dodging a wedding invite—talk about a vow to stay home!

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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