
Employee Turned In Her Resignation But Her Boss Said She Couldn’t Leave, So She Walked Out Of The Office Immediately. Now Her Coworkers Are Angry That They Had To Cover Her Absence.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

How your boss treats you in the workplace is a big factor in employees’s decision to stay or leave.

If you’re not comfortable with the way they manage and communicate with their people, it is only normal to look for another job.

This woman who turned in her two weeks’ notice got a “no” from her boss, telling her she couldn’t resign.

So, she walked out right then and there, but some of her colleagues said it was a jerk move.

Check out the details and you weigh in!

AITA for walking out after a boss tried to refuse to accept my resignation?

I had a boss who was a real turd.

He labored under the delusion he was an excellent boss.

And he couldn’t put together that his behavior and the crappy pay was why he had such a hard time keeping employees.

Meet this woman’s sleazy boss.

He also thought it was acceptable to call his female employees hun, sweetie, and sugar.

He was a condescending jerk who consistently passed over more qualified women for promotions in favor of promoting less qualified men.

I had to stay until I could find a better job because I enjoy eating, and couldn’t afford to leave unless I had something else.

When she got a new job, she handed in her resignation letter.

I got an interview with a competitor who hired me on making more than I made with him.

I turned in my two weeks, and he said, “Oh sweetie, you know you can’t leave.”

I said I absolutely am leaving.

He got the smuggest look on his face and said, “Well, I’m not accepting this, sugar. Guess you’re here to stay.”

Because of his response, she quit immediately.

I got so furious and decided that was it.

I said, “Well screw this then. I quit, effective immediately.”

I called my new job, explained what happened in front of him as he sat there, slack jawed, and they agreed that I start the next day.

I packed my stuff and left.

Her colleague thinks it wasn’t the right thing to do.

A former coworker said it was a jerk thing for me to just up and quit on the spot.

But if he refused to accept the resignation, he could easily have tried to screw me over when my last day did come.

My new boss says he deserved it, and I’m not the bad guy for quitting like I did.

But her boyfriend understand what she did.

My boyfriend says he can see how other employees might feel like I was a jerk by making them cover my absence, but sees how I’m not the jerk for walking out of that toxic environment.

So just because I’m curious, I thought I’d ask here…


Let’s see what other people have to say about this story.

This user says her former boss does not deserve her courtesy.

Same with this one.

This user calls him a monster.

This one congratulates her on her new job.

Finally, this user says she did the right thing.

I don’t think there’s even a question here.

No one can’t force you to stay in a workplace you don’t feel comfortable in.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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