
Boss Called A Lazy Employee Something Incredibly Rude, And Now He’s Mad At Her For Contacting HR

Source: Pexels/CoWomen

It’s easy to say inappropriate things in the heat of a moment when stress is high and expectations aren’t being met.

But most of us probably haven’t done with this boss did to his employee.

See why the man in this story thinks people are overreacting to his outburst at work.

AITA for trying to get my (40M) employee (24F) to do her job?

I’ve tried to look out for my employee’s best interests and be a friendly boss, but I also have to remind her that I’m in charge.

During a meeting when I was having a really horrific day, I snapped and called her a B****.

But he didn’t take it seriously.

I’ve been called much worse than that in previous jobs and I assumed she’d get over it.

I was friendly with her via IM the rest of the day but she didn’t reply.

I got an email from HR saying that she had requested us (me, her, and HR) to meet about this “incident.”

And he still doesn’t get it.

I’m not sure what to do.

My wife is saying that calling her that was crossing a line, even if she’s lazy and doesn’t want to do her job.

But going to HR seems way out of line.


Here is what people are saying.

Being mad someone goes to HR about this is really narcissistic.

I hope the policies against it are strict.

SO personal. How could this not be perceived as sexism?

I feel sorry for his kid. Imagine how he justifies things with them…

He only wrote this post to justify it. Yikes.

I hope he got fired.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.

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