
Her Siblings Are Moving Out But They Want To Leave Their Adopted Dogs Behind For Her To Take Care Of, So She Says She’ll Rehome Them If They’re Left With Her

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@adventure_yuki

People can be so pushy…

And when it comes to family members, sometimes you just have to stand your ground and tell them HELL NO.

That’s what this woman did and now she wants to know if she is being unreasonable.

Let’s see what’s going on here…

AITA for refusing to take care of my siblings’ dogs?

“4 years ago my parents bought a second house, for my sister, brother and me.

It’s a fairly big house with 3 bedrooms and a large garden.

Uh oh…

Soon after moving, both of them decided to adopt 2 big dogs, without even telling me anything.

Not going into reasons because it’s not relevant I’ll just say that I really, really, REALLY, dislike dogs.

My siblings don’t take proper care of them, they just feed them, rarely take them out, and most of the times let them do their business in our garden.

The dogs are 100% untrained, 200% spoiled.

Our garden is literally filled with dog **** and they refuse to clean it, the house is constantly full of dog hair and dirt that they bring inside and I’m the only one who’s always cleaning the mess.

There are some changes coming…

Well, going to the point: last night we had a discussion at dinner.

My brother is planning to move to an apartment with his girlfriend.

My sister got a new job offer in another town and is also planning to move there in the near future.

Great, I said, I will have the house all for myself and I can even ask my boyfriend to come live here. Except that they said they are not taking the dogs with them.

I made clear that they were the ones who adopted the dogs, I never wanted them!

They started making up excuses like “the dogs belong here, they are used to live here we can’t move them, they are used to be together we can’t separate them” and also the worst one: “the dogs own the house as much as I do”.

She put her foot down.

I replied that dogs are animals and can’t own anything, and I made very clear that I am NOT taking care of them, and that if they move and leave the dogs here, I am rehoming them the next day or take them to a shelter.

We had a fight (no violence, just a lot of yelling at each other). I got called names, insulted and even threatened.”

Check out what folks had to say on Reddit.

This reader said she’s NTA.

Another person agreed.

This Reddit user had some advice.

Another individual chimed in.

And this Reddit user shared their thoughts.

I gotta admit, I feel sorry for the dogs…

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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