
Her Ex Starts Taking Their Daughters’ Clothes And Selling Them Whenever They Come Over, So She Sends Them To His House In Tie Dye So He Can’t Make A Profit

Source: Getty/KVLADIMIRV, Reddit/AITA

Complicated co-parenting sometimes calls for colorful solutions.

When a woman’s ex starts playing games with their daughters’ belongings, a crafty mom makes sure she gets the last laugh.

You’ll want to read on for this one.

AITA for having my kids wear tie dye when with their dad?

I (30 F) my ex-husband (31m). Got divorced 5 yrs ago. My ex and I have 2 girls (8 & 7).

During our divorce, we owned a old single wide mobile home (1973) on a large piece of land that is zoned for a trailer park.

He wanted the new truck and our savings. I wanted the old trailer and the land.

Since my divorce, I slowly started buying old single wides and restoring them. Turning it into a business. I love it.

They’ve been co-parenting well enough, but soon she notices something unusual.

My girls go to their dads and my husband’s affair partner (AP) apartment every other weekend.

I started noticing their clothes, electronics, toys were not coming home.

At first, I thought their dad was just keeping a few outfits there for them.

But then her daughter unwittingly revealed some interesting information.

However, my 8 yr. old got upset when she was packing. I asked her what was wrong.

She told me her dad takes her clothes and sells them online. That she doesn’t want to take her favorite shirt over there.

Their mother wasn’t going to stand for this.

I immediately called my ex. I asked him to return our daughters clothes.

Not wanting to throw my daughter under the bus, I blamed it on them not having enough for school.

The husband wasn’t going to go down without a fight.

He played dumb. He said he got rid of the clothes that were too small.

I pointed out that the jeans our (7 yr.) had were brand new.

He then said that it was only fair he got some cash because he owned the trailer and land. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be doing this good.

I was ticked.

She quickly turned her anger into action.

I took my daughters down to the dollar store and bought cheap shirts. To a thrift store and bought cheap shorts.

We had a “girls” tie dye night. Hot pink every thing. Each made 5 shirts and 5 bottoms.

I let the girls design and decorate them. They loved it.

The ex immediately takes notice.

The following week, ex sends the girls home. I could tell he is mad but, he didn’t say anything.

The clothes were not returned.

They weren’t going to give up that easily.

No fear. I knew this would be a issue. We made extras.

When the girls went back, they were wearing tie dye.

They were with their dad for a hour before he called and demanded different clothes.

Over her dead body, she tells him.

I kindly told him that our daughters love those clothes (they really really love tie dye).

Ex get even angrier and said his parents have a major family party and the girls can’t wear pink tie dye.

I told him that he should go buy other clothes if he didn’t want them to wear it. He called me an AH for being petty.


This revenge plot was a blast for the girls and satisfying for their mother!

What did Reddit have to say?

This commenter thinks there are serious legal ramifications for the ex’s behavior.

It’s clear the ex is way out of line here.

Why just stop at tie dye?

The mother is totally justified in her anger.

It’s clear the mother is not the AH here. If anything, she’s letting her ex off too easy.

Stealing from your kids is not a good look.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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