
His Controlling Manager Wouldn’t Let Go Of The Reins On A Project, But He Outsmarted Her By Tricking Her Into Voting For Something She Didn’t Understand

Source: Pexels/Christina Morillo

It’s really nice when someone at work makes their own bed and then has to lie in it.

Check out how the worker in this story freed himself from a bad situation while impressing executives, avoiding drama and being professional.

Coworker acts against their own interest out of spite and it backfires gloriously.

I made a call to outsource my team’s part of a project as our volume was increasing.

Outsourcing was cheaper and the vendor seemed competent.

Unfortunately, efficiency wasn’t the only consideration.

The vendor even had an impressive AI that has since proven them to be more efficient than my own team and definitely my managing director, K.

This infuriated her, as she has repeatedly expressed her opinion that she should control the whole process.

Later we had a meeting to decide on a new process.

I had two proposals, so I decided to explain both in a meeting and endorse the one that benefited K most.

His plan worked like a charm.

It took two weeks for her to realize what she had voted on.

She had freed my team of the process entirely.

All the questions, late nights, chasing people down, she had agreed to it all and had no way to back out.

She resigned shortly after.

Here’s what people are saying.

A lot of industries are a VERY small world.

Same. I love when intelligence and class are braided together like this.

It’s a relief!

I don’t think it’s petty either, but I’m sure his boss did.

None the wiser, as they say! It must have been so satisfying.

She’ll find some other people to control, unfortunately.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.

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