
His Mother Had Him As A Teen, But Then Had Another Child In Her 40s. Now She’s Describing The Second Birth As A First-Time Mom Experience, So He Tells Her He Feels Ignored And Devalued.

Source: Canva/AfricaImages, Reddit/AITA

Motherhood often brings second chances and fresh starts.

The woman in this story had her first son very young and they both went through many hardships because of it, but they’re in a better place now.

That is, until she described feeling like a “first-time mom” with a new baby she had in her 40s, making him feel as if his own childhood had been erased.

Read on to find out how it all went down.

AITA for telling my mother she’s not a “first-time mom” now that she had a new baby?

I (24M) have a good relationship with my mother (40F) even though, as you can tell from our age, she had me when she was very young and obviously lacked the maturity to raise me.

So I lived my grandparents, who were then below poverty line, for most of my childhood, while my mother moved away to get her college education.

He understands what she went through and tries to see the situation with compassion.

I don’t blame her for her choices. I know she worked hard to improve herself and to get to a place where she would have the means to raise me right.

But it wasn’t until I was 11 or 12 that she was stable enough to get me to live with her. (Bio dad was never in the picture.)

Luckily, his mother’s circumstances have improved.

Anyway, now, my mother is financially comfortable and happily married.

She gave birth to her second son a couple of weeks ago. I don’t live with her anymore (we’re not in the same city, it’s a 2-hour drive), so it wasn’t until yesterday that I managed to visit her and see my half-brother for the first time.

He immediately notices a sea of expensive gifts.

I noticed she was surrounded by a lot of fancy accessories, so I was like “What are those?”, and she was like “That’s the baby’s Lexus stroller and Louis Vuitton diaper bag of course”

So I said something like, “You really went overboard huh?”

He doesn’t like her response to this.

And then she said something that really hurt me.

She said she now had the chance to experience motherhood for the first time, and that she was feeling like a first time mom because, when she had me, she was so young and unprepared and financially vulnerable.

Feeling hurt, he snaps back.

So I told her she was not a first time mom, and I couldn’t understand why she’d say something like that to me.

She tried to argue that she didn’t mean it like that, but I was still upset, I just didn’t push it because my stepfather arrived.

He can’t seem to let go of her words.

She texted me after I left, but I didn’t reply yet. I also didn’t pick up when she tried to call me.

AITA for holding on to this?

Ouch. That’s the last thing you want to hear after overcoming a difficult childhood.

What did Reddit think?

This user responds with empathy.

This redditor brings up a valid point.

It’s true that her relationship to motherhood is very different this time around.

Regardless of her reasoning, it’s still painful.

His mother’s words really stung.

He knows his mother didn’t mean to hurt him, but her words left a scar that’s hard to forget.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.

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