
His Supervisor Regularly Kept Him Late For No Reason, So He Sat Back And Enjoyed All The Overtime Pay

Source: Pexels/Mikhail Nilov

An unkind boss can make work a living nightmare, but sometimes the games they play can actually benefit you.

That’s what happened to the worker in this story, and the poster was rolling in the dough,

Check out the details!

Refuse to let me go home on time? Give me loads of overtime then

My supervisor was one of those little ****** who did absolutely nothing and loved being in power and was always on a power-trip.

He LOVED holding people over their shifts just to see them squirm and run late to whatever things they had planned after work.

But OP knew his rights and had some acting chops.

In the state where I work at, any shift worked over 5 hours entitles you to a 30-minute unpaid lunch break.

If you don’t clock out or take a lunch break before then, then you automatically get a full hours worth of pay.

I was also entitled to double-time if this happened for consecutive days in a row.

I was routinely scheduled for shifts that were 4 hours and 45 minutes, which just cut me short of the 5 hour mark.

Before my shift would end, I would make a show of looking at my watch and talk excitedly about my plans after my shift.

It all went according to plan.

Supervisor would then purposely hold me over which would turn my shift into 5 hours and enabling me to get those extra 15 dollars an hour.

Or I would purposely be slow at a task. Then he would laugh at me and say “It’s so cute and pathetic at how slow and bad you are.”

I ended up getting so much overtime pay because of him.

Eventually he got in trouble for consecutively holding me over and the company having to pay me so much for overtime.

Here’s what people are saying.

That’s terrible. Please find another job.

I loved it, too. People like this are infuriating.

I’m sorry you got hurt. I hope things were better when you got back.

It’s the gift that keeps on giving!

Definitely takes discipline.

Silver linings, eh?

You’ve always gotta find them!

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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