
HOA And Rude Neighbors Wouldn’t Leave Them Alone, So They Decided to Blast Some Music And Have A Dance Party To Annoy Them All

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@aginsbrook

What’s a person to do when they get hassled for

Well, there’s really only one solution….DANCE.

That’s what this person did and their tormentor WAS NOT happy.

Read their story and see what you think.

Finally gave my HOA a dance party.

“We are one of the only houses in the neighborhood that doesn’t need to belong to the HOA. They have harassed us relentlessly for almost 10 years trying to get us to join.


They have trespassed on our property repeatedly, done petty petitions against us trying to get us to remove a structure we built legally with a permit, come stood at our driveway with clipboards (literally not kidding), come to our house at 11 pm and stand on our driveway talking to our cameras and pointing at our house (All of this ON camera).

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Recently, we got new neighbors who were pre-existing friends with the HOA leader, so they have shunned and harassed us since they moved in.

Recently they started to escalate where the husband, who drinks too much (carries beer around in his hand from 5 pm to midnight), has been coming around our house at night, around 10:30 pm and 11:30 pm every night standing at the foot of our driveway, talking and pointing to our security cameras.

Well today, I figured if you can’t beat em I’m gonna join em. Prior to this, I have been a dream neighbor. I’m not just saying this: never a peep, keep my house maintained, half the time not even around (literally living out of state).

Mind my own business religiously. Which is precisely why they mess with me. These new people have no reason to harass us. I’ve done nothing to them.

It was time to have some fun.

But today, I made it official and declared war. Decided to be petty as hell and I blasted me some Drake and Lil Wayne and gave a crazed dance party while walking my dogs around my house in full view of theirs.

Then, as I walked by I pointed and acted a fool on my way to my house, stopping and staring at the end of his driveway as he does to me, but the whole time pretended I was dancing to my music. It felt good. Maybe he saw me, maybe he didn’t. But if he did, I hope he might think I’m crazy and back up!

So that’s my story how I became a petty jerk like the idiots in my HOA for the morning.

Now I’ll go back to minding my own darn business and just living with their unending harassment, but for a second it felt darn good to give it back so him and I know where we stand!

Give em something to talk about!”

Check out what folks had to say about this.

This person has an idea…

Another individual chimed in.

This Reddit user didn’t hold back.

Another reader has an interesting idea…

And another person spoke up.

Dance like everybody’s watching!

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