When purchasing something from a retail shop, you expect great service, and sometimes the employee will get a commission.
What happens when the employee ignores you until your husband enters the shop? Would you want her to get a commission?
That is what the woman in this story experienced, and now she wants to return the item.
Read on for details.
AITA for returning the bag my husband bought me because I didn’t want the rude sales assistant to get commission?
I’ve never experienced a sales assistant being so rude to me before so maybe I overreacted here but last week I was looking for a birthday gift.
Why are some people in sales like that?
There was only one free sales assistant and I could tell she didn’t want me to approach her as she was intentionally avoiding eye contact and walking away when I was close.
I waited 10 minutes in the hopes that another sales assistant would be free but they weren’t and it was getting late so I approached the original sales assistant.
She pretty much brushed me off without helping me so I went back to browsing on my own as my husband was going to meet me there.
Oh, that would be upsetting.
When my husband arrived her entire demeanour changed and she suddenly wanted to do her job.
I was looking at a bag that I would’ve bought for myself if it wasn’t for the rude sales assistant.
My husband asked me if I wanted to get it but I said no as the rude sales assistant would’ve been the one to benefit from the commission as by this point she had come over and was offering to help us.
How sweet!
A few days later my husband surprised me with the exact same bag.
I asked him if he got it from the same place and if it was the same sales assistant who had helped him.
It was, so I told him I wanted to return it.
She doesn’t want to reward the sales professional’s bad service.
He knows she was rude and dismissive when I tried to ask her for help but he still didn’t want me to return the bag as he said I would be missing out because of a random stranger.
To him, the commission isn’t a big deal but I don’t think she should benefit after how rude she was.
If he had bought the bag with a different sales assistant I would’ve kept it but since he didn’t, I returned it.
Now he’s upset because I returned his gift.
Wow, that is a tough situation. I can see both sides of it.
Let’s see what the people in the comments think.
She is putting a lot of effort into this.
This commenter recommends putting the husband first.
Maybe she does deserve it.
This comment says to make sure to buy it from a different sales person.
This person wants to make it clear the sales associate was bad.
You should just graciously accept the gift from your husband.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.