
The Tallest Person To Ever Live Was Just Shy Of 9′ Tall

Source: GuinnessWorldRecords

Many people wish they were a little bit taller, but we can be certain that Robert Wadlow from Alton, Illinois never had that desire.

He was the tallest known person in human history.

So, just how tall was he? 2.72 meters, or 8 feet, 11 inches. That’s right, he was just shy of 9 feet tall when he passed away at the young age of 22.

He was born in 1918 to his parents (both of whom were regular-sized). At his birth he was a relatively normal sized baby, but that was the last time his size would be normal. By the time he reached the age of five, he was 1.63 meters (5 feet, 3.5 inches).

When he was ten years old, his shoe size was 17.5. As an adult, his hands were measured to be 32.3 centimeters (12.7 inches) from the wrist to the end of his middle finger.

His feet reached 47-centimeters (18.5 inches), which is beyond the normal sizing chart but would be size 37AA in the US, size 36 in the UK, and size 75 in the EU.

And he just kept growing.

Wadlow had a condition caused by hyperplasia of his pituitary gland, which meant that he never stopped growing. His body produced growth hormones at abnormally high rates, which meant he not only didn’t stop growing, but he grew at a rate significantly faster than the average person.

Wadlow, who is perhaps better known as the “Alton Giant” graduated from high school in 1936 and began touring with the Ringling Brothers Circus.

He became famous around the world, and even starred in a documentary film piece (view the brief video below).

He was known for being mild mannered and friendly with his fans.

Unfortunately, his condition made his life quite difficult in many ways. He had to wear leg braces and also use a cane due to help his body support the weight of his height. At last measurement, he weighted 199kg (439 lbs.).

As anyone of even modest height knows, being tall can also cause discomfort in many other ways. Chairs, tables, doorways, and other everyday things are simply not designed for someone of this incredible height.

Sadly, Wadlow passed away due to an infection that was caused by an ill-fitting brace. He was just 22 years old when he died.

At his funeral, his coffin was an astounding 453 kg (1000 pounds), 3.28m (10ft 9in) long and required at least 16 pallbearers to carry.

He was buried in his home town of Alton, IL. Those interested in this incredible man can also stop in that city to see the life-sized statue of him, which stands across from the Alton Museum of History and Art.

While brief, this man’s life was anything but short.

I wonder how hard life really was for him, though.

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