
Their Mom Wants Them To Let Their Little Brother Ride In Their Car On A Road Trip, But They Are Not On Board With The Idea At All.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The company you keep on a road trip can either make or break the experience.

If you know, you know…

Having a bad passenger on a road trip is like pulling teeth, and it sounds like this person’s brother is the cause of a lot of heartburn.

Are they wrong for not wanting them in their car on a trip?

Let’s see what’s going on here…

AITA for refusing to allow my brother to drive with us to the family vacation?

“My partner (26) and I (22) both have autism, and my 15-year-old brother has severe ADHD.

This kid is WILD.

My brother is also immature, careless, and deep in puberty. He’s known for being a handful—constantly late, and destructive with his belongings and others’.

For instance, he’s broken multiple phones and laptops my mom bought him.

This Friday, we’re planning a family trip across the country.

My partner and I were looking forward to a peaceful road trip alone, having planned our drive and stops in advance.

However, today my mom found out that my partner would be driving, and decided to have my brother ride with us, saying, “Since you’re driving anyway, he can come with you.”

She and her boyfriend are driving separately in a two-seater van due to the amount of stuff they need to bring.

Oh, no!

We really don’t want to babysit an unruly 15-year-old for four hours, especially since we weren’t asked nicely, just told he would be with us.

Normally, my mom and her boyfriend drive in two cars, so we assumed that would happen again.

This year, though, with my partner joining us, they saw an opportunity to shift responsibility.

While we understand their reasoning and offered to take him if absolutely necessary, we’re not happy about the situation.

When I talked to my mom, she didn’t have convincing arguments. Her points were:

Driving separately is expensive: We offered to cover the extra gas since we’re “causing the inconvenience” in her eyes, but she declined.

He can’t drive with our sister: Because they’ll arrive later. However, we’re not planning to arrive on time either, as we’re taking a more relaxed trip.

My partner, who’s an anxious driver, prefers not to drive in a convoy and likes to rely on herself, especially due to her autism.

Things could go wrong if he’s late: But she couldn’t specify what.

Sounds like a nightmare!

Our conclusion: We could take him if necessary, but reluctantly. We have a lot to bring and aren’t sure everything will fit.

Plus, if he’s coming with us, he’ll need to follow our schedule, meaning we likely won’t arrive on time.

Now my mom is upset and said she’ll ask my sister after all, despite never asking us first.

We feel we offered a reasonable compromise, but she’s implying that “everyone has to make sacrifices” while essentially making my brother our responsibility.


Let’s see what people had to say on Reddit.

This reader shared their thoughts.

Another individual chimed in.

This Reddit user spoke up.

Another person said they’re NTA.

Who’s up for a road trip…FROM HELL?!?!

Yeah, no thanks.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.

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