
Their Neighbor Won’t Stop Making Noise, So They Repaid The Favor With Some Extra Loud Music

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

If you live in an apartment building, you have to expect that you’ll hear other residents making regular, everyday noise.

But when neighbors go out of their way to be loud and cause a ruckus, you gotta fight fire with fire.

That’s what this person did and they shared their story on Reddit.

Take a look at what happened!

I found out my neighbor is purposefully slamming doors so I’m playing music very loud.

“I moved into a 1 up 1 down duplex and I live upstairs.

We share a common back staircase and my downstairs and her family slam doors when going and coming.

It’s bothersome but I figured it’s due to poor insulation.


She’s not an easy person to live near. Her husband left her because she has a bad temper and she would yell and throw furniture.

She has a new boyfriend who visits often. One morning I was in my kitchen which has a door to the common staircase.

He slams the door and she laughs at him and says sarcastically “we shouldn’t slam doors, it’s noisy” and then laughs.

Then there’s more door slamming.

She’s been problematic to our neighbors as well and cops have been called about her temper and reckless driving.

Recently I was asked to leave by our landlord because he wants to move in his nephew when my lease ends.

Time for a nice parting gift.

Today I added Sound of Da Police to my playlist and am playing it extra loud and over and over again.

I ordered two more speakers so I can blast it from several rooms.

I like opera too so I’ll blast that as well. If I have to leave, I’m leaving her with something to remember me by.”

Check out what people said about this story on Reddit.

This reader has an idea…

Another Reddit user shared their thoughts.

Another individual weighed in.

This Reddit user offered some advice…

And this person chimed in.

This story could be turned into a TV show called Noise Wars.

Based on Reddit they would have enough stories for a whole series.

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