
This New Car Addition Knows If You Were Drinking Before You Got Behind The Wheel

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Drinking and driving has been an issue in this world for far too long – and has caused way too many folks to lose their lives too soon.

Automakers may be joining in the fight with cameras that will let you (and others) know whether or not you’ve been drinking before setting off.

That said, some are split on whether or not they should be widely installed.

One reason is that the AI tech is only accurate 75% of the time, though the Australian researchers who developed it hope to improve that in the near future.

They believe the technology remains promising.

“This not only benefits vehicles equipped with driver monitoring systems and eye-tracking technologies, but also has the potential to extend to smartphones, making alcohol intoxication detection more effective.”

The data includes videos of 60 people in various stages of drunkenness, which they used to train the AI to detect impairment.

There is also, of course, the matter of privacy – not everyone wants Big Brother staring them in the face every time they get behind the wheel.

On the other hand, our cars already collect just about everything about us, so what’s the difference?

There is already reliable technology in the form of breathalyzers required to unlock the ignition, so maybe this isn’t technically necessary.

But as long as people are hurting each other by drinking and driving, maybe it is.

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