
A Couple Saw A Woman Throw Garbage Out Of Her Car, So They Confronted Her About Her Bad Habits

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

Littering is a nasty habit, and many people do not tolerate it.

Some would even go out of their way to scold or confront a person who purposely throws their trash on the street.

This couple had to teach a woman her lesson when they saw her throw garbage out of her car.

Check out the full story below.

My parents confronted a litterbug

My parents were sitting at a red light, when the car in front of them opened the window and dumped a bunch of trash into the street.

My mom was annoyed.

She got out of the car, confronted the woman, picked up the trash, and said, “Hey, you dropped this.”

The woman yelled and cussed at them.

The woman started screeching, “I don’t want that crap in my car!!!”

My mom replied, “So go find a trash can,” and dumped the trash back through the open window.

The woman was screaming and cussing, calling my mom a *** among other colorful phrases.

She continued dumping her trash all over the street.

The man smeared melted ice cream on her windshield.

At this point, my dad got involved.

He’s a busy body and he despises litter.

He noticed that among the dumped items were several half-melted ice cream bars.

He grabbed them and smeared them all over her windshield, made a big sticky brown smear right across the driver’s side windshield.

They also called the police.

At that point, they noted the car’s make and model and wrote down the license plate number, already calling the police.

The woman sat through the light, probably trying to clear off her windshield.

She backed up her car, wiggled around a bit, and took off like a bat outta hell when the light turned green again.

Let’s check out how other users reacted to this story.

Here’s a similar dad story.

People are commending the parents.

Yes, exactly!

This user suggests carrying a tater to be safe.

Finally, this user says they have to be careful with confrontations.

If you don’t want rubbish in your car, learn to throw it in the right place.

It’s not that hard.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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