
A Group Of Deli Customers Tried Every Threat In The Book To Get Their Huge Order Completed, But The Other Customers Helped The Employees Take Revenge That Stopped The Customer’s Daughters From Walking At Graduation

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you live in a small town, there is usually one or more families that seem like they run everything.

What happens when those families start bullying others, cheating for their kids in school, and causing other problems.

The young lady in this story was being bullied by several people like this, but fortunately, it all worked out in the end.

Check it out.

You threaten me at work by using your children? Your daughters don’t get to walk for graduation as Valedictorians.

So this transpired a few years back when I was 18.

The revenge technically was not done by me, but I am a key witness in the events that occurred.

For some context, I use to work at a big chain store in the Deli department.

Wasn’t a great job, but it was my 1st one and it helped pay for college, so I endured it.

But because of what I was subjected to, I quit shortly after, despite it having a great end result.

Why is there always a group like this?

In my hometown (population of 4500), there was this small group of PTA moms who were pretty high up on the chain of command, but also led their own “company” for party planning.

They’re known mostly for the fact their daughters are all best friends and are straight A, 4.0 students, and all 3 were suppose to be Valedictorians.

I knew them mostly because they were the, “we hate drama” crowd, but always spread drama about people.

Unfortunately it had happened to me at one point and put me into some pretty deep depression.

But that’s for another story.

Not just that, but all 3 daughters were accepted to Ivy League schools on a full ride scholarship.

They sound awful.

The one fault they had (besides the drama), was that they were really arrogant, prideful people (both the daughters and mothers) and were incredibly rude to anyone who wasn’t rich, white, or even super in shape.

At the time, I was pretty overweight and had a pretty bad acne problem (this will come into play later).

Well one day, they come in asking for 300 pieces of fried chicken and 200 pinwheel sandwiches.

For anyone who has ever worked in any capacity of retail/food, you know that for an order that big, we need at least a couple days notice to order more inventory and actually cook everything on time.

Not to mention, I was the only one left working for the night, so their order would’ve been impossible anyway.

Well these ladies thought they could pick it up on the spot, to “ensure food quality”.

I told them that they would need to fill out an order form and that it would be a couple days, and they lose their mind.

I’m not talking a small sigh in disbelief, I’m talking vague threats to actually have me not walk during graduation.

Why do some people think this type of behavior is ok?

Here is how the talk basically went:

PTA Mom 1: Umm…I need this food today.

We are the party planners of the lake party you probably didn’t get invited to, and the party is in 2 hours.

Me: I’m sorry, but we literally don’t have the staff or the time for that right now.

I’m more than happy to make you a 96 piece, but it’ll take about an hour.

PTA Mom 2: You think that’s funny? Do you know who I am?

Me: No, I don’t.

PTA Mom 1: Yeah, we are the OFFICIAL party planners of “hometown”. We also run the high school PTA, so our daughters probably know you. You don’t want your image tarnished, do you?

Me: (brushing off the vague threat of using her daughter) That’s pretty cool actually. Sounds like a cool job.

But there is just no way for 300 pieces AND 200 pinwheels to be done in the amount of time you want.

I apologize for any inconvenience it makes for you.

If you want, I’m more than happy to get a manager so they can talk to you.

PTA Mom 3: When your manager gets here, I’m going to have you fired and kicked out of walking this year.

We don’t want fatties taking up the walkway anyway (I don’t know how they knew I was a senior).

Me: Ma’am, I’m sorry but I will not tolerate that kind of threat and am going to have to ask you to leave now.

PTA Mom 2: But we didn’t get our food yet

Me: I’m sorry, but like I stated before, it would not be possible to complete that task.

And with the way I was treated, I have the right to refuse service to you anyway. Have a good day.


(Manager walks out)

Manager: Excuse me ladies, but you have no reason to treat my staff like that.

You may think you run this town, but that does not give you any reign to treat someone like that.

PTA Mom’s: **** YOU (while walking out).

A few days go by, and I haven’t heard anything from either them or my manager.

Then one day at class, I see the daughters in a corner crying with each other.

Sounds like their actions finally caught up with them.

I got word from one of their friends, who was somewhat close with me, that in the past 2 days, they were told they could no longer walk at graduation, due to being caught for cheating on basically every assignment, and were no longer attending any Ivy League school.

At first I thought this was just a coincidence to what had occurred the week prior, but apparently what happened was that a bystander overheard the heated exchange, and this bystander also happened to be a former member of the PTA.

So she had A LOT of dirt on the mothers and their children.

Apparently this was her breaking point, as she was skeptical to come forward prior about many things, due to scrutiny.

It turns out, the mothers were basically getting the answers to every assignment by either paying off teachers, using vague threats against their families, or straight up saying they would sleep with them.

Because our school was smaller, there were only a handful of teachers that needed to be pleased/threatened.

That was my moment of happiness.

Not also did those women get kicked out of the PTA, but their daughters (who I mentioned use to be my old bullies), were dropped from ever attending the school of their dreams.

Last I heard, the daughters stayed in the hometown, and now work in the same Deli department I use to work in.

Sometimes karma really does seem to work.

Take a look at the comments below.

Sadly, this type of thing happens all over.

They would have failed out so fast.

This person loves how professionally she acted.

They really are the worst.

It all worked out so perfectly.

Sometimes karma is the best revenge.

As long as she shows up on time.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.

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