
Rude Neighbor Pushed People To Get Sidewalks Installed In Front of Their Houses, But He Ended Up Doing It Alone And It Didn’t End Well

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Some people get pretty pushy when it comes to maintaining the way their neighborhood looks…and some of them don’t even really know what they’re getting into.

Like the guy you’re going to read about in this story from Reddit!

Check out what happened…we think you’ll be entertained…

Sidewalks optional.

“My parents’ neighborhood has no sidewalks. The roads are plenty wide and they don’t easily cut into different neighborhoods, so there’s minimal traffic.

Growing up, there was one house in the neighborhood that decided that every house needed sidewalks to keep walkers safe and started a campaign to install them.

They were able to get enough signatures from elderly people and those that didn’t care about the issue.

They managed to convince the city due to no objections when they brought it up at a city council meeting and the city started informing the neighborhood that it would be happening.

There was a problem.

Houses really didn’t want it because it would shrink their yards, but what really stirred the hornet’s nest was that it was a city ordinance that each house would need to cover the bill for the installation and maintenance for the sidewalk on their property.

There was an immediate uproar and the majority of the neighborhood was at the next council meeting.

At the meeting was the smug person that pushed it on everybody and the motion had already passed, so they just pointed out that it was going to happen and everybody should just it happen.

However, our alderman for the neighborhood came up with an amendment to the ordinance that the first installation of sidewalks would be optional and houses would need to opt in.

Smug person thought this was fine and pressured neighbors that neighbors X and Y were doing it, so they had better do it as well, otherwise the neighborhood would look awful.

Take that!

The time finally came and sidewalk was installed… But, only on smug guy’s property.

Every. Other. House. Backed. Out.

It certainly did look weird, but they were tucked away in the neighborhood, so nobody ever really saw.

The revenge came the coming winter. You see, we lived in a northern climate and city ordinance states that each home owner is required to shovel and maintain their sidewalk for snowy conditions.

When that first snow storm happened, they didn’t shovel their sidewalk, their neighbors reported them, and the city then fined them.

I was only reminded of this since the city just changed the ordinance that forced owners to cover maintenance costs for the sidewalks, but my paper route always cut through their yard growing up and I always used their sidewalk to get to the next house.”

Here’s what folks had to say on Reddit.

This person weighed in.

Another individual shared their thoughts.

This person spoke up.

Another Reddit user had a lot to say.

Another Reddit user has been there…

Maybe he shouldn’t have opened his mouth…

That can be a tough trick to manage for some people.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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