
Company Unfairly Fires A Star Employee, So They Break Into Their Sales System And Cause Havoc For Their Business

Source: Canva/ PhonlamaiPhoto's Images, Reddit/Petty Revenge

When loyalty is met with betrayal, even the most dedicated employees reach a breaking point.

After a good employee is blindsided by their sudden termination, they decide to give their former employer a parting gift they wouldn’t forget.

You’ll want to read on for this one!

The Power of Missing Buttons

My friend was fired after being the GM of a boutique hotel/restaurant, and it was not a good breakup.

He didn’t deserve to be fired.

From his perspective, he worked tirelessly for 10 years, putting in overtime every weekend, trying to maintain staff.

The company had a history of this kind of behavior.

The company had good people leave because his higher ups won’t pay the right people enough…

The same old story.

It was definitely the prime example of an out of touch owner not appreciating his staff year after year.

Well, he was let go a week ago, effective immediately.

They had been planning his termination for a while.

Apparently they were hunting behind his back and after finding someone they could hire for cheap, they fired him on the spot with some lame excuse that he had not shown up to work on time a few days in a row.

But they made one big mistake.

Well, they also forgot to remove his credentials for the POS system used throughout the hotel.

What did my friend do?

He took full advantage of the opportunity.

He deleted every. single. button on the POS system.

Every breakfast item. Every lunch item. Every liquor, beer, wine that they had in house.

This caused the company a whole lot of grief.

He found out after 10 angry missed phone calls that they had to shut down operations in their restaurants for a day because someone had to put all of the buttons back in.

Our friend group is giving mixed reactions on whether this was amazing or a little too petty.

Serves this company right for treating their employees so poorly!

What did Reddit think?

It was immediately clear the place was lost without him.

This devious redditor thinks the fired employee should have played the long game.

This person did just that and it worked out splendidly.

This commenter encourages mind games.

His employer might have saved a few bucks by firing him, but it cost them a whole day of chaos.

Never underestimate a dedicated employee.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.

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