
He Quit His Job While He Looks For A New One, But One Of His Roommates Feels Like He’s Taking Advantage Of Her By Doing So

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

There are all kinds of ways to make money in this world, and having a passive income stream is a great way to set yourself up for financial success.

Or give yourself a little cushion when you’re going through a hard time.

One of his roommates doesn’t see it that way, though.

Let’s find out what’s going on.

AITA? My roommate called me a leech.

The autogenerated username is pretty fitting, because I feel miserable. I used to work a really stressful job with hard hours and terrible coworkers.

I was also supplementing my income by renting out the third bedroom in my house. She paid/pays me 700 every month and we used to split the utilities in half.

The other spare was a guest room/storage.

He wanted out of his job so he figured it out.

Things got really bad at work, and I wanted to leave. I decided to clean out the guest room and rent it out.

I told my roommate, and she was unhappy, because she didn’t want to share a bathroom. I pointed out her share of the utilities would go down, but she didn’t really care about that.

Anyway, I rented out the room. Not long after I quit my job.

His one roommate thinks he’s lazy and taking advantage of her.

Anyway, my mortgage is 1500 a month, so right now I’m paying about $100 a month plus the rent from both girls and living off of my savings while I look for a job.

My roommate noticed I’m not going into work anymore. I told her I left that job and am looking for a new one.

She said “so now you’re a professional homeowner, basically?” I disagreed with that assessment.

She said I’m leeching off of her and the other girl because I don’t want to work.

He doesn’t see it that way… but he’s wondering if he’s wrong.

I do want to work. It’s just that I need to find a new job, and since people need cheap places to stay, renting out these rooms allows me to keep paying my mortgage while I look.

My roommate says I’m taking advantage of her, but she chose to move in here.

I don’t consider myself to be a leech, but she thinks I’m a selfish jerk.

Am I?

I think she’s mad she can’t do it herself.

Let’s see if Reddit agrees.

The bottom line is that it’s his house.

And she’s welcome to move.

But this person can see the roommate’s point of view.

This is just the way of the world.

Maybe she has a little bit of a point.

It’s a bad day to be a people pleaser.

I’m not sure this kid is cut out to be a landlord.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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