
Her Coworker Made A Rude Comment About Her Gaining Weight, So She Called Her Out For Being Snarky

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/ LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Losing weight is often a big achievement.

It takes a lot of hard work, commitment, and discipline.

So, how would you feel if, after losing a significant amount of weight, a coworker implied that you’d actually gained some?

Would you ignore her comment? Or would you let her know that it was inappropriate?

In the following story, one woman finds herself in this very uncomfortable situation.

Here’s what happened.

AITA for calling a coworker snarky when she said I gained weight?

I (27F) started taking weight-loss meds this year.

I wasn’t really obese, but I was very overweight for quite a while.

Since then, I lost about 70 pounds, started working out, and really improved my mental health and self-esteem.

Last week, I went for lunch with a coworker and bumped into my sister.

She knew about my weight loss but hadn’t seen me in person since I started the process.

She congratulated me on it and went about her day.

My coworker asked me what she was congratulating me on, and I said that it was about my weight loss, to which she replied, “Oh, she was being polite then! Cause I think you actually gained a few pounds recently, didn’t you?”

Understandably, she was confused and offended.

That obviously made me confused, lol and I said it was a bit snarky to say something like that (even if I actually had gained weight, which I didn’t, I do not think it’s a polite comment at all).

My coworker finished with, “Well, I’m sorry if your fishing for compliments strategy didn’t work on me.”

I’m very, very confused about this because even though she isn’t my best friend or anything, we usually hang out at lunch or coffee breaks and get along really well.

Maybe I offended her by telling her it was snarky?


That wasn’t very nice of the coworker to say.

Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit had to say about her comment.

Great advice. It’s probably best to find a new friend.

As this person points out, her original comment was bad enough, but then she doubled down.

This person is not wrong.

Very true – she was the one who brought the topic up.

That is one rude woman.

She needs to make other lunch plans and stay far away from someone as toxic as this.

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