
Her Mom Neglects Her And Takes Her Child Support, But Her Dad Helps Her Prove It And Gives Her A Better Life

Source: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio/Reddit

If your mom won’t provide for you, it’s incredibly stressful and makes you grow up too fast.

This type of person’s schemes tend to be easy to collapse, but it takes time and a lot of work. It’s also deeply emotional.

Luckily, this young lady had her dad to help her out and cheer her on.

Check out the details below.

I did what my mom told me to do, and got revenge.

My sister and I were trained from when I was about 8 and she was 10 to come right home from school and do our homework and clean the house and take care of ourselves.

It got worse my senior year of high school.

My grandma died a few months before that summer and my mom quit her job and blew through the money my grandma left her before the summer was over.

She refused to get another job and kept coming up with excuses not to work while she was going out drinking with her friend and acting like a carefree teenager.

Then things get even harder.

So I spent my senior year working hard at school, at my part time job after school, and pretty much taking care of an overgrown child who refused to work or help out.

She referred to my dad’s child support check as “Mommy’s Paycheck.”

My freshman year of university I was able to swing the cost of tuition and room and board, but almost became unable to receive financial aid for my second year of college.

Also, I learned that my mom had not been helping out my sister at all with tuition like she claimed and my sister had mentioned it to my dad who had called her out and demanded to know where the child support was going to.

Any time I complained to her about money or no food in the house it was, “Complain to your father.”

But her dad starts making a difference.

So he cosigned a loan, which he later paid off for me, and then he paid the balance on my tuition the loan didn’t cover.

He told me that my mom was not so broke and could have helped me pay my tuition and asked me to grant him access to my account so he could prove my mom was not paying for college and that I was.

I called my mom and told her that my dad had taken care of the issue and she had no remorse and told me it was my fault.

Soon after my dad proved my mom had not been paying for mine nor my sister’s tuition for college.

And her mom’s games start coming to a close.

He told the judge he would gladly pay for me to finish college but he was not going to pay my mom anymore child support or pay the mortgage.

I went to my dad’s for winter break My stepmom and my half brother and sister were thrilled and my dad can get me a job in his office as well for winter break!

That spring he made sure I got my full financial aid since he had picked up w2s for me.

My mom lost her child support and the judge told her that she better cooperate with the sale of the house and keep up with the utility bills etc. so it would sell.

Here is what folks are saying.

It’s unforgivable.

I was wondering this, too. What took so long?

Sounds about right.

This is so sad.

It troubles me when people think getting the necessities of life is revenge.

Thank goodness things got better for her.

No kid deserves a mother like this.

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