
Homeowner’s Neighbor Kept Driving Through His Driveway Because Of The Snow, So He Shoveled A Huge Pile To Block The Path

Source: Shutterstock

When you get a lot of snow, it is important to keep up with it so that your driveway and sidewalks don’t get blocked.

What would you do if your neighbor kept using your driveway to turn around so he could park, bringing a bunch of extra snow in with his car?

That is what the man in this story dealt with, so he put the snow to good use and completely blocked his neighbor’s access.

Check it out.

Shovel your own driveway

A few years ago I rented a house with some friends for college.

Our driveway and the neighbor driveway almost met at the the street, but there was a small patch of grass separating them.

That’s a lot of snow!

We had a really heavy snowfall of 14+ inches.

Anyways, I shoveled out our driveway and called it a day.

I wake up the next morning to see tracks from our driveway into the neighbor driveway and the car parked there.

Not a big deal, but it can pack the snow in, making it hard to shovel.

Jerk driver, whatever, they will shovel their driveway later.

Nope, they continuously used our driveway to get into theirs and not shovel any of the their driveway.

I get upset and decide that since they won’t shovel, I will make them shovel.

So I put a decent size pile of snow right between our driveways.

Wow, that’s bold.

Neighbor called my bluff and plowed through my snow pile.

The next day I go out in the middle of the night and make an even bigger pile.

Neighbor once again calls my bluff and plows through it.

Finally I’ve had enough and I make that pile so big nothing is getting through it.

You have made it clear at this point.

I perfectly sculpt the best spite snow pile I could make, leaving only enough room for a car to fit in our driveway.

Neighbor parked on the street for the next 2 months because they were too lazy too shovel their own driveway.

But since it was winter, it was alternate side parking so a few days I would see his car parked 3+ blocks away while I happily parked in my driveway.

So I didn’t ever get them to shovel, but I did make them have to walk a lot further.

It would be less work for them to just shovel the driveway. Crazy people.

Take a look at the comments some people made.

Sounds like his own fault.

This person has a great idea.

It doesn’t take that much work.

This would have solved the problem fast.

This is what I was expecting too.

Why are some people so lazy?

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