
Impatient Driver Lays On The Horn At Every Stop And Causes A Scene On The Road, Only To Realize He Was Driving The Wrong Direction All Along

Source: andresr/Getty Images Signature, Reddit/Petty Revenge

In a hectic world, it’s not uncommon to find drivers who are quick on the horn.

When this honk-happy driver wouldn’t leave this driver alone, they decided to make an unexpected pit stop in the middle of the road to prove a point. It turns out the driver was focused on all the wrong things.

Read on for the full story!

Fine, I’ll pull over and check

I was driving home one day on a road with many lanes, came to a stop at a red light, and the guy behind me honked the moment the light turned green.

The driver is confused what the problem is, but gave him the benefit of the doubt.

I hadn’t been distracted at all, and I had pushed the gas at the very moment the light had turned green.

So I brushed it off as a mistake and kept going, thinking that if he had a problem and wanted to pass me, there was plenty of space.

Until he did it again…

But at the next stop—this time at a yield sign, turning right onto another road—he was laying on the horn again for no reason (again, I was not distracted, and I hadn’t introduced any extra delays at all).

So that was enough for me.

The driver decided to make the driver wait even longer.

I put it in park, stepped out, and made a big show of checking the back of my vehicle and my tires for some kind of damage or problem.

Then the driver confronted him directly.

Finding nothing, I walked over to ask what the trouble was: “I noticed you honked at me a few times, is there a problem with my vehicle? I can’t see anything.”

The guy was swearing up and down, telling me he had places to be.

They move it along, but notice something strange.

So I got back and we moved on, and then I noticed he did a big U-turn on the street because, apparently, he had been driving the wrong direction.

So I guess he was more concerned with honking at me than he was with paying attention to where he was going.

This guy had his priorities all out of wack.

What did Reddit think?

The driver should have really made them wait!

Maybe getting out of the car isn’t such a great idea.

Sometimes you just have to assert your dominance.

If you’re going to act like a child, you should get treated like one.

If he had been less of a jerk, this whole situation could have been avoided.

His impatience led him in the wrong direction – literally and figuratively.

If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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